delete the settings file and launch the game again
nope that don't do it.
delete the settings file and launch the game again
delete the settings file and launch the game again
I keep getting lines going up the screen when I move quickly!!! Whats the correct term for this? It's as if the screen isnt keeping up or refreshing fast enough but im getting 40-60fps with a 5870 and phenom 955.
Slightly off topic but where did you get your BFBC2 stats signature dmcg ?
Takes no skill at all sorry the scope hardly moves, I killed 5 moving targets in 5 mins on ocuk server.
Bet you any money all the high K/d ratios are sniper only people hanging way back getting 5-10 kills a round.
Takes no skill at all sorry the scope hardly moves, I killed 5 moving targets in 5 mins on ocuk server.
Bet you any money all the high K/d ratios are sniper only people hanging way back getting 5-10 kills a round.
And? Thats not much in the way of team play. If KDR matters that much to them they'll eventually get bored and change game, its still not as bad as tank whores who sit at the back and flee the moment it takes damage so they don't die.
Spot Assists? Mortaring key targets? Trying to provide cover for MCOM attacks? Motion Sensors? People seem to enjoy slagging off the Recon when there are just as many retards playing the other 3 classes. Ones that walk around with the noob tube out or RPG. Medics that just spam Defib on people for points even though they die again immediately. The Recon is still a vital class when played well, its just given a bad name because of the Beta and Sniper Hill.
recon is generally the easier class to play of them all which is why it attracts the bad players