Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
getting more crashes to desktop with no errors now. Seems to be related to punkbuster B, after a few map changes it switches off and then the game crashes. So I have to keep checking its active. But when the game works its freakin epic. :D
Still love this game though just want them to improve the server browser want a ping filter for one thing please.
Anyone got any GameSettings.ini FavoriteGames=
lists they mind sharing for the uk servers ?
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Some of the maps are starting to hack me off. They're just TOO chaotic. Trying to defend a small area completely devoid of cover other than thin panel wood walls is just annoying, unless everyone goes medic in which case it's dead easy.
Takes no skill at all sorry the scope hardly moves, I killed 5 moving targets in 5 mins on ocuk server.

Bet you any money all the high K/d ratios are sniper only people hanging way back getting 5-10 kills a round.

I managed to get a double kill with one bullet, the scenario was two running headshots from 200m away with an m21. Dragshot. Are you saying theres no skill involved there ?

Theres elavation, the hitboxes are relativly tiny some of my shots especially with the m95 x12 scope go a mm over or to the side of my targets, its not as easy as you think.

And what are snipers supposed to do ? go pew pew 5m away from the enemy with a bolt action rifle ?

Whomever made the VSS full auto is a legend, i was running around with it using it in cqb mode unscoped the other day in a forest, funny as hell!

Oh and both Lander (DFDC R4M) and I manage to consistently get 30-40 kills and sub 10 deaths every round. We cover out teammates whilst they take the m-com stations. Without us they wouldnt get anywhere near them.
How so? If you can't hit a moving target with an automatic weapon and you can't aim on a stationary target at close range, how do you somehow get more points as a Sniper with a bolt action Rifle at long range? I was just in a game with someone who clearly couldn't play Sniper, given that he was at something like 1/15 before he left (a good number of which were my headshot kills) on the island defence.

And on the earlier subject of scores...

being still and guessing bullet drop hard? getting a k/d ratio of 3+ is seriously easy with recon try doing that with assualt when your always doing objectives.
I have 6 friends, i add people but they never seem to add me, and when my friends ARE online according to friends list they arent. When i click join server anyway, it tells me it cant find them.

broken ? how to fix ?
If you were recon for most of the map like that suggests then why have you got such a lousy K/D ratio?

You call 182 shots and only 26 kills good sniping ? like I said even the least skilled can get high scores with sniper

Wow some people are testy. There were less than 10 people total. At least 5 of those deaths were caused by the damn chopper before i switched to Engineer to destroy it. And quite a lot more were by someone with an M60 who would frequently manage to appear behind us, being the only 1 who spotted it, who i frequently took to low hp before being killed and having to rely on allies to clean up or finished off with the Pistol.

Get a frigging clue please, KDR means nothing unless your a stat whore. Just because you can get a high KDR doesn't mean the class is somehow easy, it just means you don't really get into harms way in normal 16vs16 Rush, try playing Conquest and telling me sitting on the none-existant backline as a Recon doesn't get you killed if you aren't competant. But why try, all you'll do is whine more.
Played my first multiplayer last night and I quite enjoyed it. I did surprisingly well considering how pants I was at BF2 :D it was the first time in ages that I looked at the scoreboards and wasn't ashamed (some of the times :D).
How do you unlock weapon attachments?

Scoring points with that class. There's some weapons and equipment like shotguns and extra ammo packs that you unlock by levelling up, then class specific weapons and equipment including red dot sights and that have a certain point score that you need to achieve with that class to unlock.

When you're on the scoreboard screen, click unlock progression at the top and it will show you what the next unlock for each class is and how close you are to each.
I guess you aren't allowed to top the charts twice in a row on the TFU server, nice kicking there guys, for no reason whatsoever....

Anominity sorry if you were kicked, i take it you dont use a OcUK tag? our server is literally full 24/7 and we constantly kick to make room for any1 that asks. We have 18 - 22 guys on vent a night that play on the server so as you can imagine trying to make room can be a nightmare!

This was nothing personal, chances are one of the TFU admin's did a random kick, if you have the OcUK name on then it wont kick you. Any problems or if you need to get on just steam me : Thegoon84, Lyon or Lander (DCFC) <--- more admins coming soon.
I have 6 friends, i add people but they never seem to add me, and when my friends ARE online according to friends list they arent. When i click join server anyway, it tells me it cant find them.

broken ? how to fix ?

Have they accepted your request in game? There is a stupidly placed button on the oppsite site of the friends list about half way down the main multiplayer page thats shows pending friends requests.

The desgin of the whole frontend, server, friends setup really is all over the place.

Also anyone know why my sig gets cut off, it should have a graph on the end ? In my preview its fine

Yeah its size, i swore i saw someone else with it full size in sig but it must have been the beer goggles last night, changed to smaller one
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