Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
Finally managed to get BC2 working with no CTD or disconnects, and had some utterly awesome games on that No Mercy server. This game is really shaping up to be my favourite online FPS since Quake 3.

Finally got my mortar for my Recon. Starting to use the enemy detector pulse thingies you get to great use as I didn't really understand it before, a lot of my points are actually coming from it. Also getting the knack of spotting, although I'm slightly confused by spotting - does it only last for a certain length or time? have you got to be a certain distance from the target or the spot disappears? is it only visible to your squad?

I'm a little unsure. It must be the whole team as you get Spot Assists/Motion Mine Assists for both squad and regular. As for the duration, who knows. Its kinda annoying when a player you can clearly still see vanishes from the 'spot', ideally the 'Spot Scope' upgrade should keep targets spotted until you can no longer see them.

I play recon a fair bit - never with sniper rifle though. As Evilsod says, mortars, motion mines, etc, make a *huge* difference. Combine with decent shotgun or something and you are just as 'up front and personal' as assault/medic.

I quite like walking into an MCOM defence area after chucking a motion detector and no scoping people with the sniper rifle :p
Hey all, if you find the OCUK servers are full and you want to play on a fast UK one. Find us at =BTB= RAGESERVER, for a laugh tell us why you are having a rage when you join ;)
We also have pb ban streaming so it can be almost hacker free.
I usually play all classes, just tonight ive been playing as sniper to get the unlocks, but my afternoon game i played as assualt, im liking the smoke nade and the under barrel shotgun for rush when defending the obj.
Meh this game is boring me :/ I loved every game I had on the original bad company 1 but this doesn't feel right, most of the maps are just not that great, there's no countryside/forest type of maps, conquest is over before it starts, UAV's get shot to crap they may as well remove them tbh (and also why couldn't they be cool and get a proper UAV with wings or both), too many snipers, the ea server problems, spawning on a squad member and instantly killed, even with sounds on 'war tapes' and a sound card the gun sounds do not sound as epic as they did on the first bad company on a console :S, I think most of the maps are suited to 24 player consoles as when I played the demo on 360 it was a blast on the PC it's too hectic on some maps and you find you spend more time respawning, artillery gun has gone, no proper aircraft, no 64 players, the MH-60 sucks major balls too it may as well not be in the game its a big slow fat target and you have to be rambo to get any decent kills off the miniguns when its moving to dodge small arms and rpg's -.-

Yeah I'm kinda disappointed this was literally the only game I was looking forward to this year and if this isn't that great then I'll probably just buy ME3 and stop buying games after that, I'll level up get some unlocks and wait for some updates and see what happens but didn't live up to my hopes

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^ Ive also noticed the uav's don't seem to last for any amount of time now. In the beta snipers could barely take out a moving one, in this however it may as well be flying along flashing apink strobe screaming" YOOOHOOOO"

Or something akin to that :o

Its really down to the incredibly low altitude ceiling, on maps like arica the uper level is closer to the "ceiling" so to speak so they get riddled to crap fairly fast. You would think for maps like that they would make the ceiling limit higher.
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Does anyone find using the zoom on tanks almost makes it into more of an artillery vehicle? I dunno what theyve done but when using zoom you seem to have to aim for the sky practically, waaaay over the top of targets to actually hit them. :confused:
Is anyone here playing at max settings or has everyone turned everything off for max performance?

I always try to play at maximum settings as long as my pc can cope (i.e. 40+ fps), but I have the feeling some people are at an advantage by running at lower settings.
Is anyone here playing at max settings or has everyone turned everything off for max performance?

I always try to play at maximum settings as long as my pc can cope (i.e. 40+ fps), but I have the feeling some people are at an advantage by running at lower settings.

Currently playing with everything maxed except lower quality shadows, AA at x2 and HBAO is off.
yes easier

How so? If you can't hit a moving target with an automatic weapon and you can't aim on a stationary target at close range, how do you somehow get more points as a Sniper with a bolt action Rifle at long range? I was just in a game with someone who clearly couldn't play Sniper, given that he was at something like 1/15 before he left (a good number of which were my headshot kills) on the island defence.

And on the earlier subject of scores...


Lol @ awards. This was a fairly slow game since there were less than 10 people in it, would've got the highest score but some ****er with the M60 ended up assist leaching while flying the chopper. But in the end i got 3 gold stars (Mortar Strike, GOL and M1911), Sidearm Insiginia (5k), Assists Insignia (5k) and 5 Gold Stars Insignia (10k).
playing max all 8aa 16af hbao on and dx10= min 50fps
dx9 same settings give min over 100 fps

amd 940be quad running stock 3.0ghz

powercolor pcs+ hd4890

8gb ram ddr2 800
uav flys higher than the apache and has tv missiles

the apache does not have tv missiles only a hellfire when u use secondary fire upgrade which is supposed to hit targets which have a tracer on them but even that dont work and needs fixing

the uav can take out a t90 with 1 shot of its missile and fly a lot higher than apache which is ridiculous

but the apache missiles are too weak you need to fire 2 lots of volleys on target to take out a tank or aa vehicle which is 16 missiles and if 1 missile misses u need three volleys and its very hard to do because the fire is not very accurate so 90 percent of the time you need 3 volleys but because u cant fy high enough the machine gunner can take u out a lot faster than u can take the heli out

apache should be fun but it aint

the uav can ram the heli out of the sky and not take any damage because it has a lot more mass than the apache which is stupid

the aa gun will knock the apache out of the sky sending u nose diving into the ground and theres nothing u can do to stop it even when flying at full altitude and still having nearly full armor

the only way you can keep it in the air is with armor upgrade without it machine gun fire kills it fast but that means u cant use the other upgrades which in effect makes the secondary fire useless (dont work anyway)

the developers need to take a long hard look at helis and make some changes
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Got all settings maxed out apart from 2x AA and 4x AF.

Loving the game, played as a squad with a mate and some OCuk member this evening, I played as a medic after finally unlocking the medpack. Yes the LMG is powerful but it's not much use when running out to defib an attacker brought down in the open and you know Snipers are waiting for you. Did rack up a lot of points with team healing and defibs, plus the occasional rampage if I was lucky enough to have flanked the nme.

I have no problem with the recon, giving or receiving! Don't want to get your head blown off? Don't stand in the open. The number of kills I've had from players who just stop in the open to fire on a helicopter or try and spot someone, always assume your being tracked by snipers.

I actually think they've done a good job with the recon class. While he can still pick soldiers off from a distance he can call in mortars to destroy buildings, tanks, and whole groups of soldiers. Plus he can spot for the team, deploy sensors to pick up incoming units, and tag vehicles for RPG tracking.
a lot of snipers just camp in a little group and dont help the team just caring about their score.

It's quite funny, a lot of snipers I've come across can't snipe. yet insist on camping.

Bring a nerf for snipers, then I can sit hapilly and play the class I love without it being overcrowded.
How so? If you can't hit a moving target with an automatic weapon and you can't aim on a stationary target at close range, how do you somehow get more points as a Sniper with a bolt action Rifle at long range? I was just in a game with someone who clearly couldn't play Sniper, given that he was at something like 1/15 before he left (a good number of which were my headshot kills) on the island defence.

And on the earlier subject of scores...

Lol @ awards. This was a fairly slow game since there were less than 10 people in it, would've got the highest score but some ****er with the M60 ended up assist leaching while flying the chopper. But in the end i got 3 gold stars (Mortar Strike, GOL and M1911), Sidearm Insiginia (5k), Assists Insignia (5k) and 5 Gold Stars Insignia (10k).

If you were recon for most of the map like that suggests then why have you got such a lousy K/D ratio?
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