Some people have clocked up over 24 hours played time on it already , it's stupid that people can get a head start over others but then again leaderboards don't really mean much other than e-peen.
Here is a FoV comparison GIF that someone's kindly put together.
Heres my vid comparing the russian vehicles to the american vehicles in terms of optics
Think its pretty obvious what side has the advantage, and this is with bloom turned off.
Yeah 85 makes sense , I'm glad they gave us the option though. The beta felt like you had some kind of eye restriction or something.
I've heard there's one main annoyance with the game , which is when one team gets below 10 tickets on conquest a massive siren starts and doesn't stop until the game is finished. Tomorrow is like Christmas Day all over again , should it come. Regardless of dodgy sirens!
nooooo Dont play it till friday!!!!
The only thing that bugs me is i thought the gun would go a bit smaller as that alone cuts out 1/4 of the screen no matter what your FOV is set at!
You can't make me wait all thursday , I'll want to kill myself.