1) Is this game any good? - I enjoyed BF2 a lot. Didn't like the expansions much and never played 2012. Is it similar?
There are differences, and it may take a few hours to get used it to, but I LOVED BF2 and played it a huge amount, and I would say BFBC2, at least on initial impressions, is on par with, and in a lot of cases exceeds BF2. The infantry combat is SO much better.
2) Is it like BF2 in the fact that there is a lot of variety? I was fond of the vehicles and "Urban" maps in BF2 but not such a fan of the big open area maps with loads of planes and the like...annoyed me. Give me Strike at Karkand, etc, any day
There is plenty of variety, loads of weapon and gadget unlocks to go through. No planes, but there are still choppers, tanks, APCs, quad bikes, jet skis, cars, etc.
One thing I was thinking about, is that there seems to be a lack of proper 'city' maps. I haven't really seen anything which reminds me of Strike at Karkland style city maps, which is a shame. I haven't played Rush mode though so there may be some in there.
3) What sort of system does it take to run this well? I got 4GB RAM,
[email protected] and a ATI 4890.
You'll be fine. I have:
E8400 @ 3.6Ghz
4Gb Ram
ATI 4870
I can run 1680x1050, all high, with AA and AF and it is smooth with minor slow down to about 40FPS at times. I actually use medium settings though as I prefer higher AA and more solid FPS at a constant 50-60+
4) What are the main differences between this game and BF2? Are the game mechanics roughly the same? I'm thinking in terms of Squads, The Commander Role, etc?
There are squads, but no squad leader, you can spawn on anyone in the squad.
No commander. But there are player controlled UAVs and stuff.
Only 4 classes, Assault, Medic, Recon and Engineer. With more options for choice of weaponry across classes so you can kind of mix and match.
5) Dedicated servers available? I guess its predominantly MP based like the others?
Yes, there are dedicated servers. The SP is actually pretty good though.
6) Any other cool stuff to share?
Destruction is awesome. Accuracy of guns is perfect (better than BF2, worse than MW2, the perfect balance), bullet damage is now spot on.
It is just awesome.