*****Official BBQ Thread - Suns out, Buns out!*****

Yes. Get out. As the OP of this thread I have this right. I'm pretty sure that's how this works anyway :cry:

I've not BBQ'd in ages due to ongoing ill health leaving me with little energy for anything more than the very basics of day to day life. Can't afford brisket without le job :(
Yes. Get out. As the OP of this thread I have this right. I'm pretty sure that's how this works anyway :cry:

I've not BBQ'd in ages due to ongoing ill health leaving me with little energy for anything more than the very basics of day to day life. Can't afford brisket without le job :(
Oh no, hope you feel better soon.
Then yes lol.

To be fair I have a gas BBQ and they definitely have advantages, I use my gas BBQ probably more over the course of the year then my charcoal ones, but quite different uses really.
It seems like a lot less faff and your point about gas getting more usage is what makes me think about going down that route.
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I’ve got two iron griddles that i use for steak etc, I’ve used on both gas hob, bbq and fire pit. Got them in tesco or sainsburys if I remember correctly.
They’re large and heavy (enough to cover a 5kW double burner on the cooker from front to back. Enough space for streaks and and veg etc on one.
The golden rule - heat up for 15 mins before so all the metal is up to temps.
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