***Official Big Brother 2010 Thread***

Davina is a real product of the 80's/90's, aimless, lost and always playing to an imaginary audeince. I'm glad we live in the noughties now.
She annoys me more then everyone in the else haha. When she went in that one eviction night the crowd should have gone "get Davina out! get Davina out!
get Davina out!
get Davina out!
I wonder who will be up next week. Hope Sam isn't up, he's made the show worth watching the last week.

I hope that Jo goes, she seems to be doing a lot of bitching about John James behind his back but then is nice to his face. Hate people like that. She doesn't really bring anything to the house, apart from coaxing Corin into jabbering on about her wannabe fake romance with JJ lol.
Jo doesn't contribute anything to the show, a bit like Steve in that way.

I'd love it if John James and Josie were up, no one else. That'd be fun to watch :D

Gah Sam is up :(, he wasn't nom'd but then Mario replaced him in the save and replace.

There is hope though as I just had a look on DS forum and their poll has Sam as most liked (if i haven't got them mixed up gain) with Corin now in second place.

Tonights ep was pretty funny. Sam screaming after receiving a wedgie from Dave was hilarious :D.
Watched some of last night, haven't watched it since before the eviction. The wedgie was classic, thought BB might get involved for bullying, but thankfully they didn't.

I doubt Sam will go because he is causing some fun in the house at the moment and properly mixing it up and causing controversy. I'm sure one of the older more boring house mates will be more likely to go.

Who else is up?
Dave won't go, he's got a spot in each show where he is striding from wall to wall in the garden having a laugh! What will they show instead of that!?!? :D
Latest odds.

Eviction -

Jo - 1-4
Dave - 6-1
Sam - 7-1
JJ - 24-1

To win outright -

Corin - 9-4
Sam - 5-2
Josie - 7-2
JohnJ - 10-1
Steve - 17-1
Andrew - 59-1
JJ - 59-1
Dave - 64-1
Mario - 69-1
Jo - 499-1
A N Other - 499-1
I think Jo will go this week. New bunch, boring, get her out tbh.

Sam won't go because he is comedy gold. A lot of people claim to "Say it how it is" and actually don't. This lad 100% says it how it is, no holds barred. It does land him in some shiz situations with people though. I don't like him per-se but he is an entertainment source in the house.

Dave won't go, I can see him being in the final three at the moment. He seems like a good bloke and when he's not banging on about God (which is rare) he gets some good conversation going and stimulates other house mates.

JJ is the next candidate after Jo, imo. He's pretty dumb and really doesn't do a lot in the house other than when he is tasked, which is the same for everyone. There is nothing "Stand out" about him.

My few cents anyway. Still don't really know who to chose as a winner. I had clear favourites last year but this year not so much. Originally I said John James to win and if not Steve will win because of who he is.

Now...I'm not so sure. Dave has grown on me loads and I think Andrew can be funny but sometimes a little too weird. John James is still quite good but has gone down from my original estimations. Steve is the only other one out of the lot that doesn't annoy me in some way, he's very plain.
I'm still hoping Corin wont win. I don't care who wins, as long as its not Corin or Mario. I'd love it if Sam won it, he provided more laughs in the short time hes been in than most of the others the entire time they have been in IMO.

I did like Steve at first but he's just far too boring to win. He's provided very little entertainment and would have been out long before now if he didn't have a disability. For that reason I hope he doesn't win. He will still no doubt get the money for his leg by newspaper stories or whatever.

So looking at the odds, it could be Dave and Jo out if its a double?
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