***Official Big Brother 2010 Thread***

Corin, Mario, Steve and John James please. Or maybe Dave, after his 20 min bitching session, after Sam did all that to get him his letter.

I would love it if Mario was the next one out, just for the look of shock on his face as his dreams are crushed.

Not sure I like the sound of this best of BB. Sounds like it'll be 2 weeks of all the most annoying housemates trying to get as much air time as they can.
Yeah I know, the last 4 or 5 left will be the ones I wanted out first. Always happens.

Josie, Corin, Mario, John James and Andrew will be the last 5 I predict. I will get at least 1 right ;)

Actually I forgot about Andrew, He could well be in the last 5. Gahh, glad I dont ever make a bet.
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Sam made me laugh last night for the first time when he turned on the waterworks, what a goon. As long as him or Steve don't win i'm happy.
John James seems miserable since Josie won her spot in the final + seemed totally unconvincing when speaking in the diary room about it. I think it's because he was hoping to experience BB minus Josie which is now an impossibility.
I'm actually past caring about who will win this now. I think pretty much everyone in there is an ******** in their own way. Dave is probably the only person who doesn't get on my nerves.
Only 3 I would actually like to win - Josie, Dave, Andrew. In that order.

I would imagine either Sam or Corin will get the boot.

Corin is second fav to win I think :(

I reckon Josie will win, she cant seem to do anything wrong.

If Josie does win I have a feeling she will walk from the best of BB show. Just imagine she has won and walked out the house after being cooped up for months. Then she has to go straight back in for another 2 weeks while all her friends will be partying. Plus she will have to be separated from JJ for another 2 weeks. I cant see it happening tbh.
Corin is second fav to win I think :(

I reckon Josie will win, she cant seem to do anything wrong.

If Josie does win I have a feeling she will walk from the best of BB show. Just imagine she has won and walked out the house after being cooped up for months. Then she has to go straight back in for another 2 weeks while all her friends will be partying. Plus she will have to be separated from JJ for another 2 weeks. I cant see it happening tbh.

Do we know if the ultimate housemate gets a prize? Apart from being 'the ultimate housemate'.
Couldn't care who wins lol. Watching Saturdays episode as i missed weekend ones... I still reckon Sam is a faker either way..

He's all kind and crying.... then he goes to all mean? lol
John hit the nail on the head there, nominations are over and Corin comes out of her shell, what a surprise.

Why does Josie always stick her nose into everything as well? If people want to argue let them get it out of their system don't keep sticking your two penny's worth in as well to make things worse...
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