Don't you realise how backwards that sounds? You think it's
better that the killing of innocents in GTA is more light hearted and trivial rather than showing how shocking, serious and deplorable the killing of innocents
is like in that video?
Never said it was better just said less serious, point I was trying to convey is that it cant really be compared with gta, I rememeber ambulances coming to attend the fallen in gta. Obviously in both gta and cod or any game, killing innocents is messed. What you are saying is its better to show the true horror to shock ppl, but not only does this realer type of kill shock ppl but it also Desensitises ppl. This game is going to be played many times by ppl, that level is going to be played many times too. You think that someone is going to play it once and get shocked then never play that level again???. You are all for shocking ppl with reality but do you think its still going to be a shock after the 10th time they have played that level??? The shock tactic you talk about would be great if it worked but lets be realistic here.
There will be more desensitising going on then shock…some ppl will actually play it again just for the shock factor, further desensitising themselves until they dont get shocked anymore and it becomes boring and they never play the level at this point the player has no more shock in him because he is desensitised....the realer to life it gets the worse it is. You are already desensitised so much you are actually defending it… defending a level where you ARE the terrorist that goes around mowing inncoents down, isnt that backwards? I myself am desensitised too, if I wasn’t I wouldn’t be playing games with murder death kill in them, but I and creame egg also have still got that bit left in us to say hang on this is OTT.
It's a story about war and civilian casualties are a real part of war, there's no point closing your eyes and pretending it doesn't happen. Like I said before, if this was a movie nobody would bat an eyelid but because it's a computer game everyone's all up in arms.
come on man, you watch a movie. in cod you are actually controlling the terrorist willingly and most likley pressing the right trigger button and killing shed loads, or at least given the choice.....and we dont need to know civilians die in wars because we already do, you hear it on the news everyday i bet....goes back to desensitising again the more of this we see(and now its being more realistically depicted in a video game more than ever i think and that we know underagers are going to play)the more we involve ourselves in this the more desensed we become and the next thing you know is we wont be shocked by it anymore. and when thats the case god knows what horrendous scene will be next for us to go down the process of being shocked to not shocked
also has such a scene ever been in a movie?? mass slaughter of civilians with machine guns in a non war state, i cant think of any but im not sure as i stopped watching movies years ago for this and other reasons.
it's meant to draw you in to the story and make you feel for the innocent people.
meant doesnt mean it will obviously, what about the kid in the vid? was he
feeling for the innocents when he was blasting them?
what about yourself? from what i can see it seems like me and cream egg feel more for the innocents than you as we dont want to see them getting slaughtered like that but you are ok with it.......hmmmm do you need to see innocents get shafted to feel for them
anyways sorry to every1 if you find some of the stuff i said offending.