I don't like the idea of Elite being charged for....
Saying that MW3
I'm really looking forward to it!
I've enjoyed MW2 and Black Ops (the point at which I truly started getting into PC gaming - Apparently I missed the Epic games) xD, and however broken a game is, if you enjoy it then great
It fulfils its purpose.
A couple of other small fixes I'd like to see are:
1) The Knife could do with being fixed. I realise it's purpose, and it being something that could happen in warfare (apart from the 15foot lunge), but I think even a Perk which pro version had an anti-knife feature that meant you couldn't be OHKO'd by Knife (a bit like Flak Jacket on Blops) for explosives... If this was kept they could even keep lightweight/marathon IMO as you could have some kind of defence against knives...
2) I'd quite like some more Sniper friendly maps/spots than Black Ops featured, I think they punished Snipers quite heavily. I know people will disagree there, but I don't think there's too much wrong with at least a couple of maps where you can have a good hands on fight in the middle with some good Snipe spots around the outside... Maybe a fairly bland outskirt with some hills and stuff and a building in the middle which is Sniper protected, so Snipers can get some epic Snipes outside the building, but if you wanted a good man to man fire fight you can stay in the building...
3) Finally... Noobtubes... This and Knifing are my two biggest grievances with COD. As far as I can see it would be simple to just make the undergun launcher a long distance launcher for hand held frags that land where you fire, roll around and then detonate, and could be thrown away at least or something...
Apart from those small grievances I think they could do most things and I wouldn't mind too much.
I'd much prefer MW2 style servers, or even something a bit like Crysis 2, where you can choose the server you want, or you can go in and pick say TDM non-hardcore and get assigned, rather than Black Ops, choice of server or completely random, any style kind of game. This has led to me in Black Ops focussing on only a couple of maps really, which is a shame because I do like most of the Maps in MW2, each has it's own positives and negatives.
I think I prefer the level/challenge feature of unlock attachments on MW2 rather than a simple cost style feature of Black Ops. (Much prefer having to get camo from headshots for example, makes something like Fall Camo on MW2 a real achievement)...
However I do prefer quite a few of the attachments on Black Ops, I like the customisable reticles, however could happily do without, but I do like things like the Crossbow and Variable Zoom lenses...
But yeah, on the whole looking forward to it, obviously have my preferences, but if they could blend Black Ops/MW2 in the right way and fix the couple of things that people always complain about it could really be an epic game...