I only ever played cod4 and that was on the ps3, many hours enjoyed back in the day!
Speaking of which does anyone have a cod4 code they got from pre ordering mw3 and don't want? Wouldn't mind giving it a bash on the pc.
This game is the best thing since sliced bread
It's COD, it's the same as other CODs with different weapons, maps, perks and the like, what we're people expecting?
Just had a few games with Murray, have to say i'm loving it!
I was dissapointed at first but as you rank up the weapons get much more fun.
Not really had any problems with the matchmaking so far yet either, a few timed out but that's it.
Money well spent IMO.
I think Amazon have the worst pre-order delivery of any major retailer. That's the third time they have failed to get me my game on release date. Going to ask for a refund on the first class part of the cost at least as it was seemingly pointless.
How cheap can you buy a digital copy for in the UK?
It's $60 over here in the States which is about 38pounds!!!!
Seen a level 80 player already, no way that can be legit I presume?
What from Steam? 20 pounds?