** Official Carmageddon: Reincarnation thread **

Still actually looks ok, would be tempted to re-install. Also the game play is just awesome! replay feature, the player icon are cool too :D

Like everyone says, just update the gfx, add multi-player and you cannot fail to make a winning game here!
So many fond memories playing this when I was younger. I remember that I knew some kid I didn't like but he had some computer that had Carmageddon installed so I'd go round his house. I soon got a PC :)

I didn't know it was a race until about 2 years of playing it

Haha :D
This and the GTA demo were the two most played demos for months in my household. When I eventually got this as a Xmas present, I didn't realise until a friend pointed out about a year later that as I only just met the min spec, it had turned off visible damage, driver cam and cops. There was a definite WTF moment after I'd upgraded and ran into my first cop car.
The original was a classic with very good car physics for the time & looked great compared to other pre-3D card games. The second one had potential and improved some areas, such as having peds in 3D but if I remember it didn't run too well. Think I played the third one (TDR2000) a bit but can't remember it much. I can only really remember the first one, with its epic intro.

The original is a 3D card game, ran great under DOS Glide. Didn't support 3D under Windows, but then who the hell plays games in Windows? :)

Carma 2 you remember correctly, it was an absolute dog in performance terms. On one of the navy ship levels I estimated (using the rate at which the timer updated) that it was running at 3fps on my Cyrix PR200+ / 48MB / Voodoo1 system. In general it was kinda annoying, as you say it had a lot of potential, 3d models for peds instead of sprites, some more excessive wrecking physics (splitting vehicles in half) but somehow it just wasn't so much fun to play. You'd get these annoying missions getting in the way and collisions with other cars didn't always feel right, in the original you should shunt other cars along in front of you and slam them into wall giving massive damage and time bonuses. In carma 2 pushing cars into walls felt a bit soft. Also in terms of the level design it didn't seem as good as Carma, aside from the demo level.

Carma 3 was a travesty, in spite of it's flaws at least Carma 2 was still a fun game. Carma 3 just seemed really hard and made wrecking much less effective, it seemed like on some levels the only option was to try and hit the checkpoints.

Anyway, fabulous news if this comes to anything. Even if the game isn't much cop (due to being dumbed down or some BS), at least they tried.
The original is a 3D card game, ran great under DOS Glide. Didn't support 3D under Windows, but then who the hell plays games in Windows? :)

Carma 2 you remember correctly, it was an absolute dog in performance terms. On one of the navy ship levels I estimated (using the rate at which the timer updated) that it was running at 3fps on my Cyrix PR200+ / 48MB / Voodoo1 system. In general it was kinda annoying, as you say it had a lot of potential, 3d models for peds instead of sprites, some more excessive wrecking physics (splitting vehicles in half) but somehow it just wasn't so much fun to play. You'd get these annoying missions getting in the way and collisions with other cars didn't always feel right, in the original you should shunt other cars along in front of you and slam them into wall giving massive damage and time bonuses. In carma 2 pushing cars into walls felt a bit soft. Also in terms of the level design it didn't seem as good as Carma, aside from the demo level.

Carma 3 was a travesty, in spite of it's flaws at least Carma 2 was still a fun game. Carma 3 just seemed really hard and made wrecking much less effective, it seemed like on some levels the only option was to try and hit the checkpoints.

Anyway, fabulous news if this comes to anything. Even if the game isn't much cop (due to being dumbed down or some BS), at least they tried.

Ah didn't think Carma1 was accelerated - quite long time to think back to :D Carma3 was more about ramps and jumps a bit I think.
Have you seen the videos on youtube? You can certainly see why.

The PSX version looked good though, a mix of carmageddon one and two .
look what i found in the game cupboard :).....that should keep me going - Carma on W7 64bit...CHAARS!

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