** Official Carmageddon: Reincarnation thread **

Carmageddon is so awesomely ahead of its time, seriously since Carma 2 there was no game like it. I remember its hyper advanced physics and destruction engine. You could actually split your car in half on any axis....incredible.

Backed, and I damn hope they raise at least a million. I want this game to be the best it can be.
Pretty much come to a halt now. If they could average $10,000 a day then they'd make it.

I imagine it will be quite slow progress now and then a sudden surge towards the last few days


6,751 Backers
$231,405 pledged of $400,000 goal
23 days to go

at 12:25 this afternoon..

6,668 Backers
$228,617 pledged of $400,000 goal
23 days to go
I hoping if it gets to the last few days and it's not funded people will get onboard and others will up their pledge. This game has to succeed.
60% Funded now, it seems to be making around $10,000 a day which if continues coupled with the expected rally during the last few days then it'll go well past it's target of $400,000.
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