I thought they were a nice challenge. Namir was a pain in the arse, though that might just have been down to the 'trap' that I could see coming a mile away and walked straight into it anyway
I saw it coming too, but still did it
I thought they were a nice challenge. Namir was a pain in the arse, though that might just have been down to the 'trap' that I could see coming a mile away and walked straight into it anyway
you sure?
i killed someone by mistake once by emping a robot, it;'s self destruct killed an unconscious guy.
I got pacifist first time and ghost but not fox
The latter parts of this game are rather ruining my overall impression tbh
also I never used any grenades of any sort - nor did I ever destroy a Robot (disabled them all)
Last level is appauling! (assuming Panchea is the last level)
Jensen the armour plated killing machine can aparrently be killed by a few slaps by some deranged hoodie! Ridiculous
Does anyone happen to have a full list of achievments, including the hidden ones. I'm 37/49 but only 5 of the remaining 12 are visable for me. I tried doing a mission a different way, such as the bad way to end the mission for the bartender at the hive in the hope that would give me an achievement but I got nothing, so my initial assumption of the hidden achievements are alternate endings to missions may not be right.