*****Official Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution discussion thread*****

The ENB mod makes it looks like a different game, looks amazing.

Just bought this for the PS3 for £18.99 today, can't wait for it to arrive! :p
Really, really want to play Deus Ex: HR again with the ENB mod, very, very badly. The only thing unfortunately stopping me is the fact the mod as it stands, is aimed for Nvidia cards. :( Don't really want to buy a new gfx card to play a mod!
Heads up guys, the preorder bonuses are now available to but on Steam.

£1.99 for the Explosive Mission pack
£1.19 for the tactical enhancement pack.

Not too bad if you ask me, i will pick up the explosive mission pack for sure


£2.50 if you buy both together. Not too shabby. Just bought them myself.

I also noticed that Bethesda did this for Fallout: New Vegas with the pre-order bonus gear. It's a nice addition. Now I have my Deus Ex TF2 items, and the bonus items ;)
They are all rubbish:p I tried using the sniper rifle and did get a few kills with it, but i wouldn't use it all the time. Shades are cool though:cool:

The sniper is awesome :D I love it. But really, the shades and heavy arm are the coolest ;)

Still, £2.50 for the bonus mission and bonus item's is a decent price. Especially as the Augmented Edition (boxed) is pretty much impossible to find!
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Think I May Be Stuck Again

I decided to restart from scratch and play with stealth/mercy wherever possible = more XP = more augments for the tougher later gameplay.

However I seem to be stuck getting to the helipad in Derelict Row. I disabled the signal transmitter on top of the helipad, then dropped down to street level to finish up a side mission and resupply. I've got the message to meet Malik on the helipad but I can't for the life of me find a way back up, either from outside the building or inside. The only thing I can see is in the room with the TV and rocket launcher there is a vent into some air-con ducting on the ceiling, but although you can open this, there's no way to jump up/inside and nothing in the room you can use to climb up.

Am I borked again or is it I'm missing something obvious?
The section next to the hidden weapons cache is the room where there were two guys watching TV talking about the cable guy giving them free porn.

The room next to theirs with the ladders taking you to the section with 3 mines is the (afaik) only way up to the helipad.

The gameplay doesnt get harder later. Though I suspect without full augs I'd have found the 3rd boss harder than the 1st actually.
Thanks! I'll see if I can find my way back round there.

BTW for me the game definitely seemed harder as I progressed - e.g. latter end of Hensha cloaked troops and all those robot sentrys to deal with. I'm now hoarding EMP grenades when I find any!
Just got this game from Zavvi the limited Edition vesion there is no steam reg code were it should be printed on the back cover of the quick start guide its just a white box.
Have the mission pack code only so how can I install this game ?
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They are all rubbish:p I tried using the sniper rifle and did get a few kills with it, but i wouldn't use it all the time. Shades are cool though:cool:

So rubbish that they go for quite a bit on that daft steam trading, some guy gave me Warhammer Space Marine for them :D
Just finished the game my thoughts:

In a nut shell:
I enjoyed it from start to finish, great story and the level of detail in the level design is amazing (from a mod mapper)
I must have spent 60 hours in the game, but I explored every nook and cranny and did missions in different ways before i was happy :eek:

The story keeps you interested and focused and it feels like you can either take the direct plot route or explore for secondary missions but I found I had explored and looted locations earlier thinking it may be my only chance only to see them only to get sent there later in the game :(. The only saving grace here is that you have already (if needed) taken down the bad guys.

The game generally seemed a bit easy on the "give me a challenge", I finished the game with 11 praxis unused and 185115 xp and most of my best weapons with full ammo.
I did like how you die quick if shot and I dont mind the renewing health as that just replaces quick save/quick load scenario and the load times are a bit slow (though there is more information saved than in most games)



*Amazing graphics, though I still had jaggies at the highest AA.
*The best level detail I've seen in a game (though Ive not played a few new titles)
*Nice story, keeps you interested throughout.
*Good length.

*Not as big and explorable as Dues ex 1, but the time sink was replaced with the hacking - see below.
*Too much hacking, I didn't want to go the hacking route but It felt like you were missing things if you didnt. Hacking was still too easy but took time, I ended the game with 37 nuke virus and 30 stop worm and captued all bonus nodes.
*The Augs seem a little underwhealming/uninteresting compared to Dues-ex1 and not necessary to complete the game or explore, I was only spending them as I felt I should when I got upto 10 praxis points.
*Customising guns seemed to add little, yet you felt you had to keep hold of a customised gun.
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Why is it that when I bought the 'Explosive Mission Pack' DLC there was absolutely nothing to download and the content was immediately available in-game? Or is it so obvious that the stuff was already on the disc and I just paid extra to have it 'unlocked'? :rolleyes:
Just finished the game in 21 hours according to Steam, longest single player game I've played in a long time and could have been much longer!

Loved the whole experiance, one or two minor flaws but all in all a brilliant game.
Best game i've bought in ages. Maybe not quite as good for its time as the original was back in the day, but I thoroughly enjoyed it all the way through. Need another PC game to keep me entertained now. Shame it sounds like Rage is riddled with problems. Guess i'll wait for Skyrim now.
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