*****Official Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution discussion thread*****

I'm just at Hengsha. Could be in the middle. :p

Ok searched google:

Apparently the Missing Link fits in when Adam climbs into a cryo sleep/hibernation pod aboard a ship heading to Singapore. The normal HR story then continues 3 days later after Adam wakes from the cryo sleep. However, the Missing Link fits in here. Adam dosent have a quiet night sleep on the ship, he is discovered by Belltower guards and ends up being intirigated and knocked about a bit.

So, in the HR story where you get into the cryo sleep pod, you could then load up Missing Link and complete that before continuing with HR.

Anyone who has completed HR and Missing Link confirm if this is a good way to play it through or complete HR and then do Missing Link?
Anyone who has completed HR and Missing Link confirm if this is a good way to play it through or complete HR and then do Missing Link?

That is probably the best way to do it. I completed HR first and then did Missing Link and it just didn't work tbh. It is actually a really good piece of dlc, but it REALLY should be incorporated in to the main game as well as be a standalone segment. If you play it after completing HR then there are some silly bits where Adam is asking questions you already know the answer to and acting all confused!

Why they released dlc which takes place during the main story and didn't incorporate it into the game is beyond me!

PS. The annoying thing about doing it that way though is that none of your items or Augs carry over so you will be completely starting again for ML, building up you augs and then returning to HR where you will have your original augs again.
That is probably the best way to do it. I completed HR first and then did Missing Link and it just didn't work tbh. It is actually a really good piece of dlc, but it REALLY should be incorporated in to the main game as well as be a standalone segment. If you play it after completing HR then there are some silly bits where Adam is asking questions you already know the answer to and acting all confused!

Why they released dlc which takes place during the main story and didn't incorporate it into the game is beyond me!

PS. The annoying thing about doing it that way though is that none of your items or Augs carry over so you will be completely starting again for ML, building up you augs and then returning to HR where you will have your original augs again.

Cheers for that! :)
OK so I AM getting into it now, and i'm looking forward to the climax. However, I have one major feeling about this game.

Oh, also i played through most of the game so far without killing anyone (except bosses), but on my second return to Hengsha I got bored of it and just started popping people upside the head.
Oh, also i played through most of the game so far without killing anyone (except bosses), but on my second return to Hengsha I got bored of it and just started popping people upside the head.

Know what you mean.

Only my personal opinion... but this game, while reasonably enjoyable, never sort of lived up to my expectations. Putting aside the the dated looking graphics, it was just way to easy (even on the hardest setting).
Yeah. That was too easy. I basically had max Augs.
The "final encounter" was ludicrously simple. Immune to electricity, immune to gas, invisible, and a laser gun = over in less than 5 seconds.
I've got full inventory and can hold a rocket launcher, tranq rifle, stung gun, revolver and peps gun. And a bunch of ammo.

There's plenty. :p
Just a query Dampcat- If you are going through without killing anyone, what are you using your inventory space for?

I want to option to kick off whenever i want!

Nah i stopped going for pacifist. Having now finished the game, yes, i could have emptied out my inv.. but on my first play through I had no idea what was coming up and what I might need weapons for.

Heavy Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Tranq Gun and Plasma/Laser are basically a full inv right there!


Edit: Ok, i know i have laser ammo and shotgun ammo, but they turned up after id used a bunch of other ammo and just started clicking everything in an attempt to get through the last few stages as fast as possible.
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Got this during the sale. So just how hard is the hardest setting?

What sort of game time are we talking about?


Not that hard once you get into the game. The enemy AI isn't the greatest, so a little thought goes a long way. And the bosses are not even that difficult on "give me Deus Ex" setting (probably the most disappointing thing in the game). I managed around 20 hours at this level, though that includes investigating / hacking everything and doing all side quests (well the ones I came across). Necessary anyway if you want to pick up as many Aug.s as possible.

Try it, it's a half reasonable game.:)

PS. I tell a lie.. just checked and I got 37 hours out of it! Think I must have crawled up every air duct going (so to speak). Though you could blast through it a lot faster than that I suspect.
PPS. Another lost gem in my opinion, is Singularity, more of a straight forward run and gun but a decent play and like you, I picked this up cheap in a STEAM sale (£3.74 I seem to think).
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Got this during the sale. So just how hard is the hardest setting?

What sort of game time are we talking about?


I got 20 hours out of it with every side quest on my first go through.

Difficulty... it really wasn't challenging. Well, in terms of combat. The stealth can be tactile if you go that route.
I want to option to kick off whenever i want!

Nah i stopped going for pacifist. Having now finished the game, yes, i could have emptied out my inv.. but on my first play through I had no idea what was coming up and what I might need weapons for.

I managed with just Stun gun, Tranq rifle, PEPS and gas grenades. I had some of the crazy guns towards the end but never used lethal force apart from dropping an unconscious victim down a lift shaft... oops, bang went the pacifist achievement. :(
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