*****Official Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution discussion thread*****

Regarding lack of difficulty - didn't I read somewhere that on the hardest level you're dead if shot at for more than 1 second? Sounds challenging to me ;-p

No, its not. Because on Deus Ex if you chose 'Realistic' you could be killed in a single headshot from things like Pistols, a single shot to the torso or head from a Sniper Rifle was instakill. Automatic weapons and shotgun weapons would cause serious damage (but weren't accurate enough on enemies to kill you immediately except at close range). All of this time you had to manage Medkits to heal up those wounds (and you could spec to make them better) and later on you got a Regeneration augmentation (which was a little unbalanced at max rank) which meant you had to manage Bio Energy too.

Regenerating health on Deus Ex is retarded. The game is clearly designed for morons who need to feel good about themselves even if they fail. If you take lots of damage while stealthing, you were crap at it, if you took lots while shooting everyone, you need better weapon skills or to not suck as much.
Thanks for the heads up EdwardTeach, will download that now :)

Downloading Deus Ex from steam to play it again. Completed less than 6 months ago, but fancy playing it again now. Will use different bio-mods this time. I never upgraded pistol for example before. lol.

Will complete again now, and again just before release of Deus Ex: HR :)
I am pretty sure I read that you can turn this on and off. The game seems to be finished, hopefully they are using the time to make changes to the feedback they get. Having an on and off button for such things like arrow, or highlights should not be too hard to include in the PC version one would think, unless breaks the game someway.

As for startingly obvious and conveniantly placed crates and obstacles/objectives and so on, as Shamikebab pointed out, the 1st game did that also.

It doesn't matter if highlights can be turned off, as it's a bad design choice, made for derps who need their hands held and as such indicates that there's likely to be other bad design choices also for the sake of holding hands. Even the preview above mentions that absolutely every objective and relevant person to speak to is indicated on your map, and even though you can turn it off, you're likely to suffer a headache if you do because the game is meant to be played with them on.

As for, "it's okay for obvious crates because the first game had them", I expected that reply - but the fact of the matter is, what was acceptable in a game 11 years ago in terms of level design and game mechanics, isn't acceptable today. Games have moved forward, the technology has moved forward, the possibilities have grown. If the original deus ex was released today on an updated engine, (and was never made in 2000), it would get absolutely slated because the mechanics are dated, clumsy and awkward in comparison to games today. So saying it's fine because the first game did it, doesn't even come into it.
I was an avid fan of the original. but this looks like CoD Future Warfare, lifeless bland-looking enviroments, thin, rigid looking weapons lack of immersion makes you feel like your controlling a floating camera with a picture of a gun stuck to the lens.
Does anybody in here ever look forward to games with excitement anymore? Its like people try to dislike every big release.If this was pc only bet it wouldnt get half the same hate. Im still convinced this game will be great as I love the setting and style so far. Dont agree with you at all Matt84
I'm a moron who needs to feel good about myself, even if I fail, a derp who needs my hand held and one of those people that has trouble thinking beyond the next ten seconds so I reckon I'm going to love this. Back of the net! :p :D
Thanks for the heads up EdwardTeach, will download that now :)

Downloading Deus Ex from steam to play it again. Completed less than 6 months ago, but fancy playing it again now. Will use different bio-mods this time. I never upgraded pistol for example before. lol.

Will complete again now, and again just before release of Deus Ex: HR :)

You've never upgraded Pistol? :confused:
Once you've got Pistol mastered with a scope on it you can down almost anything in a single headshot. The only reason its worth mastering Rifle (aside from the fact a pin point sniper rifle is awesome) is because you start to run out of ammo for it towards the end of the game.

Only problem with most of the augmentations is half of them are gained around the mid-game and won't be fully upgraded till much later which seriously limits them. Stuff like Cloak and Radar Transparency would be awesome in theory but in practice theres no point in them.

Maybe if you attempted a 'stealth' game where you avoided being spotted. But again, impractical. Of course others are just wholly useless. Perhaps Aqualung could be worthwhile if you ever needed to really swim. Perhaps Swimming and Environmentals could be worthwhile if there was ever any real point in getting body armour or thermoptic camo.
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Does anybody in here ever look forward to games with excitement anymore?

after so many disappointments it's better to go in pessimistic and be pleasantly surprised than go in hopeful and come out disappointed.

Its like people try to dislike every big release.If this was pc only bet it wouldnt get half the same hate.

Ironically at the start they said it would be pc exclusive as it would be too complicated to run o na console and too advanced for thier hardware.

yet now we see greatly reduced texture detail which means either the pc version is very outdated or more likely like most games we're seeing the console version in screen shots.

And i guess all those complicated features that couldn't be done ont he console have been left on the cutting room floor.
It doesn't matter if highlights can be turned off, as it's a bad design choice, made for derps who need their hands held and as such indicates that there's likely to be other bad design choices also for the sake of holding hands. Even the preview above mentions that absolutely every objective and relevant person to speak to is indicated on your map, and even though you can turn it off, you're likely to suffer a headache if you do because the game is meant to be played with them on.

As for, "it's okay for obvious crates because the first game had them", I expected that reply - but the fact of the matter is, what was acceptable in a game 11 years ago in terms of level design and game mechanics, isn't acceptable today. Games have moved forward, the technology has moved forward, the possibilities have grown. If the original deus ex was released today on an updated engine, (and was never made in 2000), it would get absolutely slated because the mechanics are dated, clumsy and awkward in comparison to games today. So saying it's fine because the first game did it, doesn't even come into it.

lol. You make me laugh dude. The way your going on I think you will have to wait a long time for a triple a title to come out that will satisfy you. If it's not game mechanics you complain about, it's textures, if not something else. lol.

Now don't get me wrong, I do understand what you are saying, and in an ideal world I would love for them to make games that would satisfy your criteria. But the fact is, the dudes who finance this big budget games are businessmen and looking at the trend over the years, **** will be made for mass appeal. People like you and me are a small percentage.

Sometimes to enjoy yourself you need to let certain things go. If you really like a certain franchise of games, you just got to try and not dig deep so much and just enjoy the game. For example, I was very unhappy with what they did with Mass Effect 2. Mega dumbed down, with pretty much all rpg stripped out. Yet I did not let it get the way of enjoying the game. I enjoyed the story enough that I thought it was worth my £30.

So far this game by far is my most anticipated game of the year. Won't let graphics/ a few boxes ruin that for me. By the way, I like what I have seen so far in regards to graphics. Just hope the story holds up, which from the looks of it it will :)

Oh and if Deus Ex was remade in today's graphics, I would pay £50 for that, as I am sure many people would. I have the option to go play any modern game right now, but guess what, I am off to play Deus Ex, dated mechanics or not, it's much more entertaining than anything out there right not for me ;)
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Trying not to get excited about this!

Listened to the PC Gamer UK Podcast special on this t'other day, they're all really excited and it sounded pretty immense :p
lol. You make me laugh dude. The way your going on I think you will have to wait a long time for a triple a title to come out that will satisfy you. If it's not game mechanics you complain about, it's textures, if not something else. lol.

Now don't get me wrong, I do understand what you are saying, and in an ideal world I would love for them to make games that would satiy your criteria. But the fact is, the dudes who finance this big budget games are businessmen and looking at the trend over the years, **** will be made for mass appeal. People like you and me are a small percentage.

Sometimes to enjoy yourself you need to let certain things go. If you really like a certain franchise of games, you just got to try and not dig deep so much and just enjoy the game. For example, I was very unhappy with what they did with Mass Effect 2. Mega dumbed down, with pretty much all rpg stripped out. Yet I did not let it get the way of enjoying the game. I enjoyed the story enough that I thought it was worth my £30.

So far this game by far is my most anticipated game of the year. Won't let graphics/ a few boxes ruin that for me. By the way, I like what I have seen so far in regards to graphics. Just hope the story holds up, which from the looks of it it will :)

Oh and if Deus Ex was remade in today's graphics, I would pay £50 for that, as I am sure many people would. I have the option to go play any modern game right now, but guess what, I am off to play Deus Ex, dated mechanics or not, it's much more entertaining than anything out there right not for me ;)

You know what the ironic thing is? Games are dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common denominator, yet as Dragon Age: Origins proved, they still sell well even if they aren't. Mostly because all it needs is a bunch of good reviews and the sheep will buy it regardless, then spend all there time bitching about its too difficult because they actually have to try.

Then came along Dragon Age 2, a game that was dumbed down by epic proportions (the only thing about the game that could actually be called epic) to appeal to said people more and was absolutely dreadful and will certainly damage sales for DA3 if it ever gets made.

I really don't care if this game is called Deus Ex. It has nothing to do with it. Its not going to win me over purely because its a sequel and what I've seen so far sounds like its been simplified as much as possible. Its far from a preorder and short of some exceptional (and real)reviews I can't see myself getting it before Steams Xmas 2011 sale.
You know what the ironic thing is? Games are dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common denominator, yet as Dragon Age: Origins proved, they still sell well even if they aren't. Mostly because all it needs is a bunch of good reviews and the sheep will buy it regardless, then spend all there time bitching about its too difficult because they actually have to try.

Then came along Dragon Age 2, a game that was dumbed down by epic proportions (the only thing about the game that could actually be called epic) to appeal to said people more and was absolutely dreadful and will certainly damage sales for DA3 if it ever gets made.

I really don't care if this game is called Deus Ex. It has nothing to do with it. Its not going to win me over purely because its a sequel and what I've seen so far sounds like its been simplified as much as possible. Its far from a preorder and short of some exceptional (and real)reviews I can't see myself getting it before Steams Xmas 2011 sale.

Quoting this incase it comes out and is freaking amazing, just so I can laugh at you.
lol. You make me laugh dude. The way your going on I think you will have to wait a long time for a triple a title to come out that will satisfy you. If it's not game mechanics you complain about, it's textures, if not something else. lol.

That's why I've highly rated Dead Space 2, Shogun 2 and Portal 2? All AAA titles that have been excellent, released this year.

Oh and if Deus Ex was remade in today's graphics, I would pay £50 for that, as I am sure many people would. I have the option to go play any modern game right now, but guess what, I am off to play Deus Ex, dated mechanics or not, it's much more entertaining than anything out there right not for me ;)

You said if Deus Ex was remade. I said if it was never made in the first place. That removes the nostalgia, that removes any fan loyalty. If the original Deus Ex was made with todays engine, having never been heard of before, it would be laughed at. So saying things are acceptable in this game because they were done in the first one, holds no ground.
after so many disappointments it's better to go in pessimistic and be pleasantly surprised than go in hopeful and come out disappointed.

Ah, come on. It's just a game man. Live a little and get some optimism in your life! :D

And i guess all those complicated features that couldn't be done ont he console have been left on the cutting room floor.

Do you mean like all the funky DX11 stuff like tessellation, and the extra tough mode, that is in the PC version? :cool:
Do you mean like all the funky DX11 stuff like tessellation, and the extra tough mode, that is in the PC version? :cool:

WEll suposedly it was game play that they aid could not be done o n the consoles.

So either the game will be very different on the pc or it will be the cut down console version with some tacked on dx11 at a huge fps cost and a reduced health mode which will consist of a few minor config changes and does hint that "well we balanced it for a game pad, and it's **** easy with a mouse so have arbitrary damage changes"
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