Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.

Simon1987 said:
Hehe, How do I find out my revision? (Irrc its under the bottom pci bracket, yes?)

Yep, it's on a white sticker on the last PCI slot. The sticker is facing the bottom of your case so unless if you're already mounted it then you'll either have to get a mirror out or unscrew the mobo :)
my gfx card is sitting right over the nf4 chipset and was wondering if i can put my gfx card in the bottom pcie slot to allow better cooling for it, as its temp never gets below 40C
Lui said:
my gfx card is sitting right over the nf4 chipset and was wondering if i can put my gfx card in the bottom pcie slot to allow better cooling for it, as its temp never gets below 40C

yes you can, but you will loose a few hundred points in benchmarks.
I could do with a little help with my mobo (SLI-DR) bios. Im trying to get my memory a little tighter. At the moment im running @2.5 4 4 7 @280fsb.
My memory is GSkill PC4800LA and im currently running bios version 3.10P
I found a link for setting up the bios and these are my settings:

BIOS Settings

Vddr: 2.9v
Tcl: 2.5
Trcd: 3
Tras: 6
Trp: 3
Trc: 9 (12)
Trfc: 14
Trrd: 3
Twr: 3
Twrt: 2
Trwt: 3
Tref: 3072 (200MHz 3.9us)
Twcl: 1

Bank int.: Enable
Skew control: 255 +
Drive strength: 7
Data strength: 2 (4)
Max. Async: 8ns
Read Preamble: 5ns
Idle Cycle: 256
Dyn. Counter: Enable
R/W Bypass: 16x
Bypass Max: 7x
32Bit Gran.: Disable

The settings above are set for high performance and stability. The Tref can be tuned higher to e.g. 1.95us for better performance. Tref=3072 is 200MHz 3.9us refresh interval. You can also set Trfc to 12.

When those settings are not stable, you can change the following:

- Max. Async. to 8ns
- Lower the refresh interval (Tref)
- Trrd to 3
- Twr to 3
- Trwt to 3
- Idle Cycle at 128/256

Is anyone else using any better settings if so can you list them for me to use? When I try to tighten them I get all sorts of mem test errors :(
I thought they would run ok @2.5 3 3 6

I have the following problem i have a DFI Lanparty UT NF4 Ultra -D board with a san diego cpu and an x800xl pci card all leads have been plugged in when i switch it on there is no signal being sent to the monitor the diagonstic lights come on the motherboard there are 3 red lights plus a orange one. I have 1 corsair pc4400 in the orange slot.
Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong. Is there anyway to tell what revision board i have.

Simon1987 said:
I had the same problem, make sure the ram is in the top organge socket, boot it then flash yuour bios to the 310

I'll try that now but can't flash the board because I only have this cpu the screen does not come on any other way to flash the board
Is it possible to flash it from the floppy the hard drive is completely clean no install i can get into the bios though but the fans seem they have no power.
every power lead is connected but no power through the fans.
i have just recieved this board witha san diego and am experiencing some really bizarre problems. my keyboard does not work , it will not allow me to access the bios, its getting power and working but not responding at the other end. also when i tried a usb keyboard tosee if the ps slot was faulty the same thing happens. how can i do anything when i cant use a keyboard and am trying a fresh install? please help me
Scoobie Dave said:
I could do with a little help with my mobo (SLI-DR) bios. Im trying to get my memory a little tighter. At the moment im running @2.5 4 4 7 @280fsb.
My memory is GSkill PC4800LA and im currently running bios version 3.10P
I found a link for setting up the bios and these are my settings:

BIOS Settings

Vddr: 2.9v
Tcl: 2.5
Trcd: 3
Tras: 6
Trp: 3
Trc: 9 (12)
Trfc: 14
Trrd: 3
Twr: 3
Twrt: 2
Trwt: 3
Tref: 3072 (200MHz 3.9us)
Twcl: 1

Bank int.: Enable
Skew control: 255 +
Drive strength: 7
Data strength: 2 (4)
Max. Async: 8ns
Read Preamble: 5ns
Idle Cycle: 256
Dyn. Counter: Enable
R/W Bypass: 16x
Bypass Max: 7x
32Bit Gran.: Disable

The settings above are set for high performance and stability. The Tref can be tuned higher to e.g. 1.95us for better performance. Tref=3072 is 200MHz 3.9us refresh interval. You can also set Trfc to 12.

When those settings are not stable, you can change the following:

- Max. Async. to 8ns
- Lower the refresh interval (Tref)
- Trrd to 3
- Twr to 3
- Trwt to 3
- Idle Cycle at 128/256

Is anyone else using any better settings if so can you list them for me to use? When I try to tighten them I get all sorts of mem test errors :(
I thought they would run ok @2.5 3 3 6

What test number in Memtest fails? If its tests 1,2,3 or 4 changing the value of Tref (which is crucial may) help. FWIW I'm using Tref of 1168
surge said:
What test number in Memtest fails? If its tests 1,2,3 or 4 changing the value of Tref (which is crucial may) help. FWIW I'm using Tref of 1168

What are your settings, are there any differences with mine and yours? I would really like to know as you are running a similar setup ;) If anyone else is using the same mobo and ram combo could you post your settings too? Also what bios are you running? Im running 3.10P :)
If there are any other additional settings I should be setting up in the bios please let me know! :)
I've just updated to 10/3 Bios. All seems stable :) must say I've had no probs with this board at all..very impressed!

This is my system config at the moment,

--------[ EVEREST Home Edition (c) 2003, 2004 Lavalys, Inc. ]-----------------------------------------------------------

Version EVEREST v1.51.195
Report Type Report Wizard
Computer HOME-C8BCF8D467
Generator Fluffy Bunny
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 (WinXP Retail)
Date 2005-05-06
Time 11:01

--------[ Overclock ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CPU Properties:
CPU Type AMD Athlon 64
CPU Alias Winchester S939
CPU Stepping DH7-D0
CPUID CPU Name AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+
CPUID Revision 00010FF0h

CPU Speed:
CPU Clock 2475.17 MHz
CPU Multiplier 11.0x
CPU FSB 225.02 MHz (original: 200 MHz, overclock: 13%)

CPU Cache:
L1 Code Cache 64 KB (Parity)
L1 Data Cache 64 KB (ECC)
L2 Cache 512 KB (On-Die, ECC, Full-Speed)

Motherboard Properties:
Motherboard ID 02/09/2005-NF-CK804-6A61FD49C-00
Motherboard Name DFI Lan Party Ultra D

Chipset Properties:
Motherboard Chipset nVIDIA nForce4, AMD Hammer
Memory Timings 2-3-3-7 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)
Command Rate (CR) 1T

SPD Memory Modules:
DIMM3: GeIL CL25-3-3DDR 400 512 MB PC3200 DDR SDRAM (2.5-3-3-6 @ 200 MHz) (2.0-3-3-5 @ 166 MHz)
DIMM4: GeIL CL25-3-3DDR 400 512 MB PC3200 DDR SDRAM (2.5-3-3-6 @ 200 MHz) (2.0-3-3-5 @ 166 MHz)

BIOS Properties:
System BIOS Date 02/09/05
Video BIOS Date 01/03/05
Award BIOS Type Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
DMI BIOS Version 6.00 PG

Graphics Processor Properties:
DirectX (DirectX 9.0c)

Sensor Properties:
Tsystem 33 °C (91 °F)
Tcpu 34 °C (93 °F)
Taux 39 °C (102 °F)
Fcpu 1103 RPM
Fcase 686 RPM
Fpowersupply 1962 RPM
Vcore 1.36 V
V2.5 1.17 V
Vio 3.23 V

Now I dont understand fully the art of clocking but I would like to run faster.....When I set the fsb to 228 things get unstable ramdon reboots.
When set to 230 It wont let me into BOIS !!!!

What have I done wrong or what can I do to get better results.
Am I at my limit with what I am running?
Wgat is this HTT (do I need to or can I get it to 300 and what does this mean?)

Any help or advive is most welcome !!!!
Many thanks,

Scoobie Dave said:
What are your settings, are there any differences with mine and yours? I would really like to know as you are running a similar setup ;) If anyone else is using the same mobo and ram combo could you post your settings too? Also what bios are you running? Im running 3.10P :)
If there are any other additional settings I should be setting up in the bios please let me know! :)

I'm on BIOS 414-3. GSkill 4400LE, 440 ICs. Here are the setting from A64 Tweaker, which will run at 300MHz stable to Memtest for 8 hours. For 310, Max Async Latency has to be 9 not 8.



Tref is 1168 (for my Winnie 3200 SPAW; for the FX 55- which is for sale ;) - Tref is 0516)
Dram Drive Strength is 7 (very important)
Dram Voltage is 2.8
Dram Data Drive Strength is 2 (for BIOS 414-3; for 3.10 it should probably be 4)
Last edited:
i want to update the bios dfi nforce 4 ultra-d what is the best bios and can someone tell me step by step guide of how to update it as this my first time flashing a bios i have the san diego cpu the problem is with the old bios i cannot run 1gig of ram without it crashing.

Livestrong said:
i want to update the bios dfi nforce 4 ultra-d what is the best bios and can someone tell me step by step guide of how to update it as this my first time flashing a bios i have the san diego cpu the problem is with the old bios i cannot run 1gig of ram without it crashing.


Bios 3.10.

1. Go here

and get the Diamond Flash Image (NF4LD310.exe). Run the .exe in Windows and it will create a bootable floppy

2. Make sure you are not overclocking! Safest thing is to load optimised defaults before you flash

3. Boot from the floppy and it will do everything for you!

4. Reboot (F1 when instructed), go in to BIOS and change settings as you wish. Note that the default is to enable Memtest built in to this BIOS which you may wish to disable ;)

Hope that helps :)
surge said:
I'm on BIOS 414-3. GSkill 4400LE, 440 ICs. Here are the setting from A64 Tweaker, which will run at 300MHz stable to Memtest for 8 hours. For 310, Max Async Latency has to be 9 not 8.



Tref is 1168 (for my Winnie 3200 SPAW; for the FX 55- which is for sale ;) - Tref is 0516)
Dram Drive Strength is 7 (very important)
Dram Voltage is 2.8
Dram Data Drive Strength is 2 (for BIOS 414-3; for 3.10 it should probably be 4)

What Tref setting should I use for a 3700+SD?
Scoobie Dave said:
What Tref setting should I use for a 3700+SD?

I'm not sure TBH- I'll have to find out cos I'm getting an SD 4000 next week ;) . Seriously its usually a matter of playing around with the values until you find one that suits your mobo/ram/cpu combo

Here is a list of all Trefs and what they correspond to in A64 Tweaker


If I were you I'd try the 15.6 musec ones first- unless the auto setting works!. If you've got the wrong one Memtest usually fails Tests 2 or 3. Or your bandwidth will be horrible!
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