Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.

Sounds like its not reading the vendor ID from the ROM on some hardware ?

Anyway, done a quick test with 209,310 and 310-2 BIOS

Overall things were pretty even, but 310 was the fastest slightly.
Ill list my full bench marks for each later.

Order of speed = 209,310-2,310 :
did'nt try 309-2
Ouch - yeah one of the reasons I don't use raid :)

The raid aray will always need setting if a new raid BIOS is loaded.

I would have thought Auto config would have done , but I have not used raid for a long time, taken me a while (a few years) to get over the mess from the last disaster :)
TheMightyTen said:
I've just done it ok. Like you I boot off a raid array. What I did immediately after flashing I went straight into bios and reset all my settings exited bios then pressed f10 to enter the raid setup when prompted and my array was showing fine and healthy.

Good m8.

can you give an exact instruction listing so i can add it to first post, I dont have Raid myself so I can't list the steps.

have you got all your extra power connectors in ?
Try removing some of your hardware ( sound/ USB mouse or KB?/ CDRW etc)
31 is very good, I only hit 29 with water :eek:

Did'nt realise the XP120 was so good a HSF. You got a big fan on that or something ?
Still 37 is good if you have a virtualy silent 120.

Also 310 official (linked on first post along with winflash) is the best BIOS and I recomend you use it.
I read somewhere that the Nvidia LAN offered lower CPU overhead and slightly better performance so I use that.

I did originaly use the Marvell LAN and no issues realy.

You need Nvidia drivers for the top LAN socket and Marvell for the lower one.
I think Mrbios lives in a deep freeze :)

Roakes, when you installed the Nvidia drivers it gives you an option if yo uwish to instal the firewall. If you selected no, then its not installed.
If you want to uninstall it, I believe you can do it from the uninstall feature
Roch said:
What is a safe Vcore level to put through a 3800? At the moment I can pass 20 loops of 3dmark01 at 217 with the vcore at 1.52 and the vdimm at 2.9. Would you consider this "gaming" stable? The memory passes memtest ok at 233, 2.5,4,3,8, (with the multiplier turned right down) but won't boot into windows at 12. I've tried smaller steps but it crashes 3dmark at 220. I'm thinking that I should try more vcore but don't want to fry it. This is a gaming machine so I want to keep within safe and stable tolerances. Exos is reading 32. So far ***** pi-fast is 47.61, 3dmark01 around 26500 and 3dmark05 is about 9100 This is without touching memory timings or Nvidia control panel. Any pointers greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Most of that is outside the scope of this thread, maybe start a new post in Overclocking regarding as you will get far more replies specificly to you.
As for Vcore, 1.65v is a safe max(as stated by AMD's white papers)
roakes said:
Is there a guide anywhere for overclocking with the DFI boards as it seems a bit more complex than other boards, got mine working great now so I want to try and get 2.65ghz at least.

Not as such m8y,

allot of info in various posts/threads within the OCing/Motherboard section.

Might be better to do a search, unless you have something more specific your stuck with.

But the basics that you would be used to are

CPU multiplier can be adjusted downwards.
HTT multiplier , always keep it below 1000(i.e default is 5x200).
Memory settings can be worked out from HTT. Use the fraction thats displayed.
memory timings, mostly ppl leave them on auto except for usual. PPL who have Gskill can help you with specifics for you memory timings
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