****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Am I missing something or what! I can't seem to hit anything in multiplayer!! I feel like I empty 100 rounds into a player with hits popping all over the place yet said player just shots once and I'm blown up like a balloon! What am I missing???!??! Frustrating.
is anyone else having their game crashing constantly? if I use a controller it happens more frequent, getting ***** off now :( it is a good game however!
is anyone else having their game crashing constantly? if I use a controller it happens more frequent, getting ***** off now :( it is a good game however!

I've had one CTD so far (since the most recent update) which isn't bad going, but I've also found that after completing a trial objective, I'm automatically asked to select another one from a list. Whether that's a user error or not, I can't be sure. It's happened several times though.
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Only had about 2 crashes so far and they both happened (not sure if coincidence) when I had nearly completed a map and went back to find stuff I'd missed.
I get some weird stuttering with Vulkan. OpenGL 1440p maxed sits at 60fps with a 1070@stock. Running on Vulkan, the game shows 60fps but stutters noticeably in certain scenes.

I guess I won't bother since the game doesn't require more horsepower and Vulkan/DX12 will probably be more advantageous to AMD, seeing as the 1070/1080 still don't support Async Compute on a hardware level (that's what I've heard, might be wrong).
Why do they always spoil it by adding multiplayer achivements. Some of us just like singleplayer but now can't 100% the game. Feels bad man.
All right, I found a room on level 4 with epic fps drops:p The card was hovering between 40-60% usage, as usual. When I dropped the res everything became buttery smooth.
Not sure, but when I say slideshow I mean around 5fps. It cripples the game.
Update your drivers, Vulkan only popped when I installed the latest ones.

That said at 1440p it only meant 5% more performance, and with a 1070 I'm just using OpenGl (as RivaTuner overlay doesn't work with Vulkan).
Update your drivers, Vulkan only popped when I installed the latest ones.

That said at 1440p it only meant 5% more performance, and with a 1070 I'm just using OpenGl (as RivaTuner overlay doesn't work with Vulkan).

What driver you on? Looking at the drivers thread it appears there have been issues since my current install (365.10).

I don't want to install Maxwell killers. :eek:
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