****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Grabbed it in the steam sale and had a few CTDs then crashing when between levels on loading. After the update I thought it was fixed as I had gone through a few deaths and it loaded back up immediately, then it crashed to desktop again and now it wont even get passed the intro as it keeps crashing or freezing at various stages of loading.

I cant beleive they released a patch of 2.5GB and did not address the CTD or loading between levels issue. I have already uninstalled it and re-installed it and re-installed GFX card drivers and it still crashes.

Great fun, when you can actually load it and play it though. Bit disappointed with the lack of patching for these kind of problems that seem to be affecting quite a number of us. :(
Something not right there - could be some weird issue with V-Sync.

I get some very weird performance though

In the end I did a fresh install of windows (stayed on windows 7 because windows 10 just wouldn't install!) And now my fps has gone up and I get no slow downs and the huge fps drops espically at distance viewing has disappeared,finally can play it without these issues spoiling it!:D
Yup, I've got an engine crash during the intro and then another one after just 40 mins in. The gameplay feels uber smooth, fun and rewarding but those crashes suck:mad:
Non-existent (well SLI at least) :p

One of the developers tweeted at launched that SLI support is coming though. You can force it but it has poor scaling, negative in places (I believe due to shadows) and visibly stutters for me. This is of course on nvidia so I cannot confirm the same is true for AMD.

I am sort of hoping proper multi gpu support will come with the Vulkan patch.
Damn, this game is better than I thought it would be. It's bound to get boring at some point obviously but the shooting/Glory Kill/movement mechanics and the fluidity of it all are top notch.
one of the few games to actually draw me in for a while

none of this on rails military simulation crap of modern shooters (cod battlefield)

just here is a gun here is lots of monsters shoot them and survive

hope the vulcan patch comes soon as my gfx card is not quite up to it

The more I play, the more I'm starting to really enjoying the MP, it's fast and reminds me of the old Q3 days. Would be nice to have 'no demon' mode, but it's not a deal breaker.

Disappointing how this turned out, just glued it together and a crappy "weathered" paint job, could have looked so much better filling in the seams and giving it more detail in the paint.
Picked this up for £19, played through 6 levels or so, so far. Takes quite a while as I'm 100%ing each one.

It's good fun and I like the weapon mastery system.

Would recommend :)
Patch Released

DOOM Update #1 Release Notes

New Features and Optimizations


Added Classic DOOM weapon placement/view model option (all modes)
Added Photo Mode (You’ll find the new Photo Mode toggle in the game settings. It is
available through the pause menu once you are loaded into a map via Mission Select)


Updated weapon balance (live as of June 10, 2016)
Clan Arena and Freeze Tag now require the winning team to complete 5 rounds in order to
win the match. (live as of June 10, 2016)
Customization UI has been implemented to show all possible unlocks
Cross Style option has been added to settings for MP.


Added Original Author to the map info page
Added a timeout for AFK in Lobby
Added a property to allow map authors to choose if SnapMap will auto-manage (hide/show) hand-placed AI
Added Enable/Disable to Shootable Trigger
Added Sky/Window props
Added an auto-rollback to previous version for corrupted maps
Improved sorting algorithms for Most Popular map searches


Single Player

Fixed Steam Friends’ Ultra-Nightmare Helmets not populating the map
Fixed freeze when opening weapon wheel at more than 142 FPS (PC)
Fixed quit to desktop when clicking campaign after initiating Dev Mode (PC)
Fixed “IDKFA” Trophy/Achievement not properly unlocking (all versions)
Fixed PS4 crash when reloading checkpoint in Foundry
Fixed some occurrences of the “Every Nook and Cranny” Trophy not unlocking after collecting all Doomguys (PS4)
Fixed an issue where the game required Internet access (Xbox One)


Fixed crash while experiencing server connection issues (PS4)
Fixed crash when a client suspends the game while a lobby loads into a match (PS4)
Various cosmetic and gameplay fixes
Matchmaking improvements
Fix for restrictive NAT types being chosen as dedicated server lobby host
Fix for larger lobbies having longer matchmaking times
Fix for Player getting left behind if they join a friend as the lobby countdown finishes
Bug and stability fixes


Fixed Asian language font issues
Fixed AI pathing error with certain types of props
Fixed error where multiple maps share the same Map ID
Various map error fixes
Various logic fixes
Various stability fixes


Fixed Dev Mode incorrectly triggering when the user retrieves their own save data from Steam Cloud
Anyone know how to get back to OpenGL, as still on old 16.3 drivers here, and was messing about in the settings trying to get rid of the damn Grid all over the shop, and i changed the bugger to Vulcan, so everytime it starts to load up, it just hangs black screen. :p
Anyone know how to get back to OpenGL, as still on old 16.3 drivers here, and was messing about in the settings trying to get rid of the damn Grid all over the shop, and i changed the bugger to Vulcan, so everytime it starts to load up, it just hangs black screen. :p

Maybe it's time to update to latest drivers?
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