****Official Doom 4 Thread****

no the reason people are putting why is it a official thread is cause there isnt any news basically on the game so how can you have a official game lol.

its not even been said when its even going to be released. theres not one picture of it. so basically at least two years of this till actual data is known so in otherwords pointless thread at moment.

we might aswell start a crysis 3 thread with no data ;).
I loved Doom3 and the sequel Resurrection of Evil. I never really understood why people always complained about the gameplay with too many monsters jumping out of closets. I mean, that's what fps is all about, shooting at as many things as you can in the quickest time, testing your reactions, and giving you little or big scares along the way. It's called entertainment.
I want Quake 5 solely made by id. I need a railgun effect made entirely in DX11 with flashy lights and filters...

ps3ud0 :cool:
no the reason people are putting why is it a official thread is cause there isnt any news basically on the game so how can you have a official game lol.

its not even been said when its even going to be released. theres not one picture of it. so basically at least two years of this till actual data is known so in otherwords pointless thread at moment.

we might aswell start a crysis 3 thread with no data ;).
Lots will happen at Quakecon 2011, no doubt..
I loved Doom3 and the sequel Resurrection of Evil. I never really understood why people always complained about the gameplay with too many monsters jumping out of closets. I mean, that's what fps is all about, shooting at as many things as you can in the quickest time, testing your reactions, and giving you little or big scares along the way. It's called entertainment.

Because it has no imagination or atmosphere. Its as if they blew there 'atmosphere' budget on the Chainsaw level and didn't have any left to make the rest of the game. Sure they throw in some nice bits now and again but they were pretty much all cinematic stuff like the room filling with blood or writing on the walls or a face in a mirror. The actual gameplay 'horror' came down to doors with Imps behind it ready to pounce and panels falling off behind you so a zombie could nibble you over and over and over again. Its not a bad game but the horror aspects just failed miserably.

Ravenholme > Doom 3.
Because it has no imagination or atmosphere. Its as if they blew there 'atmosphere' budget on the Chainsaw level and didn't have any left to make the rest of the game. Sure they throw in some nice bits now and again but they were pretty much all cinematic stuff like the room filling with blood or writing on the walls or a face in a mirror. The actual gameplay 'horror' came down to doors with Imps behind it ready to pounce and panels falling off behind you so a zombie could nibble you over and over and over again. Its not a bad game but the horror aspects just failed miserably.

Ravenholme > Doom 3.

different strokes for different folks. Ravenholme was my favourite level of HL2, definitely, but in general I enjoyed doom 3 (and HL1 for that matter) more than HL2. I found doom 3 very atmospheric and lots of fun.
Yep. I liked HL2 a lot (completed it three times now) but to me, Doom 3 is just the more atmospheric, enjoyable, and better game.

Doom 4 must be at the top of my most anticipated games list, but this thread is a bit premature.
DOOM 3 was excellent, tremendous maps/ atmospheric....maybe the best shooter ever, unfortunately it looks and plays very old nowadays....it's too tiresome for 2011, especially the AI.

no game since has ever been as atmospheric/ scary, DOOM 3 has the best audio of all games, Doom 4 is supposed to be near completion, but wont come out until after Rage......(Borderlands 2:D:D)

DOOM 4 is set on EARTH.... oh dear!!!! so it might be like Hellgate London, lets hope it's not a pile of crap like that was
QuakeCon 2011
Location: Hilton Anatole, Dallas, Texas, USA.
Date to take place: August 4, 2011 - August 7, 2011
Date announced: January 28, 2011

Anyone expecting any Doom 4 news this year then? QuakeCon starts a week tomorrow, and that's the best chance I reckon.
Anyone expecting any Doom 4 news this year then? QuakeCon starts a week tomorrow, and that's the best chance I reckon.

As per usual I'm looking forward to this, particularly Carmack's annual keynote. I haven't heard anything positive regarding intentions of showing us some Doom 4 media, but as you say, if it's going to happen then it will there.

Btw - if someone finds the keynote speech video then could they post it here? :) Last year it seemed no one remembered, and all we managed to get hold of on youtube was audio.
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I think after promising it last year and pulling out he'd get lynched if he didn't show at least a teaser trailer this time. :D
Looks a bit dated now so i'd not pay over a tenner for it but it's quite decent yeah.

Then again i'm biased. ;)
It's nice because although it is quite samey, it doesn't involve any of that being dressed like a dustbin trundling slowly from chest-high wall to chest-high wall. You can also carry as many weapons as you like (seriously Gearbox, that DNF thing, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?).

I don't get why so many games have all this crap in them these days. I mean if you polled the gaming collective about what the best FPS is, they'd probably say HL2. And what does HL2 have? NO RESTRICTIONS ON CARRYING WEAPONS! :rolleyes:
If in the end Carmack doesn't present any Doom 4 goodies then I can see him make a hurried exit, only to be seen strapping himself in to one of his rockets for a quick get away. :D
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