****Official Doom 4 Thread****

all doom fans want this . trailer cgi but you know you want it regardless :p

not going to lie one of my most anticipated games :cool:
So, supposed reveal is tonight. I've also read that unless you're actually at Quakecon, you won't see any footage.
This game is responsible for my transition to a pc in 2004, one the most anticipated games for me this, I hope it delivers, I reckon it will look beautiful
So, supposed reveal is tonight. I've also read that unless you're actually at Quakecon, you won't see any footage.

Someone on Paper Rock Shotgun said the same thing, hopefully we'll get some shaky cam footage or, at the very least, some positive feedback.
Midnight is so long away :/ I want it now!

Based on historical data, this is what Doom 4 will look like:

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I'm personally hoping for a non-linear Doom game. Imagine traversing different city districts in order to close portals which appear at random, quelling the demonic onslaught etc. An open-world setting, a myriad of makeshift weaponry, demonic artifacts, and crude but effective vehicles. GOTY material right there.
If it isn't made up of a ton of cut scenes and hand held play, I'll be satisfied.

Didn't realize that QuakeCon was today. They usually organize it to be held in August.
I never realised they were making a fourth one, briefly played 3 but wasn't too impressed with it, but have fond memories of doom mods such as the alien total conversion.
IGN said:
Fast-paced combat against multiple enemies at once - Doom 3 this ain't.
Set outside a massive UAC research facility on Mars as it's being invaded by the forces of Hell.
Hellknights, cyberdemons, revenants, mancubii, and other classic monsters were spotted throughout the demo.
Classic Doom weapons, including the fan-favorite double-barrell shotgun return. Plasma rifle, rocket launcher, and the good old chainsaw were also shown off.
Go fast. "Doom is not about about taking cover" said executive producer Marty Stratton.
Doom is powered by IdTech 6, and will be for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. They are "committed" to 1080P at 60 frames-per-second.
Wonderfully gory close range executions, including special ones for dropping down on enemies from above.
Revenants now have jetpacks and can hover about while firing rockets at you.
At least one weapon, the combat shotgun, has an alternate fire mode, which allows you to charge up and release multiple shells in rapid succession.
Sprinting, double-jumping and mantling are all possible, making for very fluid motion during combat.
Enemies can teleport in for old-school style ambushes
Dying results in a crazy fatality scene depending on what killed you a la Dead Space. Revenants rip your arms off and punch straight through your combat helment.
Old school mechanics. No reloading your clip, hold as many weapons as you want, health and ammo pick-ups etc. NO REGENERATING HEALTH.

Sounds great! :D:D:D:D:D

So, new engine? iDtech 6(66).
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