****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Sweet :) I'll have to get it cheap! Can't believe it came out in 2004!

That was the game that I wanted like no other, and was probably the only title so far where I was so hyped about looking forward to the experience that I actually did stop playing after an hour, I was an over excited bag of nerves! Then my PC decided to play up. By then I wasn't very approachable. :D
It's a decent shooter, so yeah if you like that sort of thing then you should be quite pleased. With everything set to the maximum some of it still looks reasonably good.

I always felt everything looked a bit plastic the way the lights bounced off everything and when the lights did bounce off everything it felt like full beam lights.

^^Do you feel the same when it's not modded?

I know what you mean about the plastic look, particularly with the models. That's thee only reservation I have with 'Rage'. In that respect I would have a little more confidence based on Valve's past efforts.

Btw, I love the plasma rifle. :)
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Yep, it always made me nauseous though. Saying that the last time I played it I was on a CRT back in 2004. I detested how narrow everything was in the dark, can't see a damn thing and the next you were blinded by the reflection off the walls.

Though it was great how the levels really opened up much later on in the game. I loved the area with the huge diagonal elevator you had to go down on. My memory is very vague on it. The build up to Hell was quite nice. Had to fight 3 HellKnights before going in?

i dont get why people are saying the game looks ropey? i still look at it today and think its pretty impressive and some of the mods are immense.

you remember when d3 came out? literally blew everyone away - i hope d4 has that same appeal just with less teleporting monsters this time
I cant wait for doom 4 big fan of doom 3, was very impressive at the time and still not bad looking now.
Actually just seen that Perfected Doom 3 mod when i was searching for GFX mods which have not tried before also has a texture pack too, will have to give that a try.
I'm not sure if you guys are already watching Quakecon but there's a very nice coverage portal where you can catch a link to the stream, news, video and twitter updates regarding Quakecon and more importantly Doom 4. You can catch the coverage portal here.
Doom 3: The game where the future is on mars..............and flashlights are not available. That annoyed me so so much that they had to fall back to such a cheap tactic. Could have been such a good game. :(
Holy thread revival Batman!!!

E3 2014 reveal teaser.

Published on 10 Jun 2014
More information on DOOM will be revealed at QuakeCon 2014.
For more information on QuakeCon and on how to attend, please visitwww.quakecon.org.

:cool: Really hope this is good!

All these games coming to PC, finally a reason to upgrade my ageing Q6600 system.
id games were always about insane wtf tech, gameplay and level design have sucked since q3. with the studio in crisis I don't have particularly high hopes for this.
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