****Official Doom 4 Thread****

I hope this is good, but have very low expectations - graphics look quite poor, the lack of campaign co-op is something I just don't understand, maybe its so they can get those lame chainsaw quick time events in more frequently.
Alpha ran at 1440p for me. I could change that but I couldn't change graphic settings. Hopefully the beta will allow this I guess it will has this is close to final code.

Cool, thanks for the answer mate. So relieved, looking forward to playing this in the dark with the sound up like back in the day with the original when I had a DX66 system.:D

Well it launched eventually, solid 60fps and I suck at multiplayer but blues still won 2 matches in spite of me being blue
It just crashed oh well, maybe single player will be good. Going to leave it alone for now
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So far no go for me even following the advice not to press any keys and just leave it for 5 minutes it still crashes at the end of the extremely laggy Bethesda intro logo.

EDIT: It gets further each time and plays smooth upto the bit it crashed at last time then goes super laggy before crashing :S

EDIT2: After about 10 attempts getting a little further each time it now launches smoothly to the main menu finally - really weird bug.
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Half my normal key binds can't be done in the beta so its useless for me :( and without access to a human readable config file (stupid developers) no way to force it.

BTW iike other id games +com_skipIntroVideo 1 in launch options skips the intro.
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I had the freeze and crash during the intro, but disabling kapersky av worked and got me into the game.

Dont think much of it either. I'm playing at native rez but it looks one or two steps lower - blurry and ugly. Does the game set the greyed out advanced settings differently depending on hardware? My system isn't the best but some of the settings must be on low it looks so bad.
I think this is a good base for a classic multiplayer game, its a bit "call of doom" at the moment but with dedicated servers and mods this will be a sure fire hit.
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