****Official Doom 4 Thread****

This is important for VPN users: Link

I wouldn't risk losing almost 400 games!

Its a bit farcical that they think they can do that, if this was enforced they would essentially be banning a pretty large chunk of their user base. If the games paid for I don't really see the issue, not as if you're pirating a product.
lmao in the years and years people have been doing this nothing has been done its all a load of scaremongering and someone with 8 posts no less!

People have been buying games from mexico for the past 5+ years via vpn and hardly nothing gets done about that either.

no one is ever going to come out and say you can use vpn offically as it makes the release dates pointless but they really couldn't care less! Look what happend with Dark Souls 3 lol
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The game has the issue from the beta where the Bethesda and I'd software intro videos really chug along. On first launch anyway after that its fine

looks fantastic tho :)

The doctor sounds like optimous prime lol

thought id edit my post rather than make a new one, runs like pooh for me drops to 60fps when action starts and that's with 2 OCD 980ti's. gonna try the doom driver and see if any difference
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Its a bit farcical that they think they can do that, if this was enforced they would essentially be banning a pretty large chunk of their user base. If the games paid for I don't really see the issue, not as if you're pirating a product.

They can do what they like once it is bound in a legal document.
lol its never happend and they would never do it so untill anyone gets banned and loses 1000's of pounds in games keep the guessing chat to that steam one, people have been doing it for many many many years so to bring it up now is pointless.
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