Also doesn't really consider picks/item pick ups just flat out wins/losses and who you beat is a bit vague for a game as in depth as dota.
You should read the link, quite clearly states that it isn't purely based on win/loss. It's obviously very complex and difficult to get right, but I think it's a good addition overall.
I'm still playing anything except all pick, happy playing around in games where people have to try different heros.
I'm still playing anything except all pick, happy playing around in games where people have to try different heros. That said, I'm building up a selection of them that I really love now. Currently the list sits at kunkka for his amazing tidebringer lane harass, OD to mega carry, and necro and kotl for supporting. Especially kotl and his amazing farm power.
Not been given the chance to play jakiro recently, but he was my first favourite. Always skip his ultimate until lv10 then get 2 levels in it. Means 2 maxed out abilities for general nuking and damage, and I finish my aghs at around that time too, making it much more powerful.
Or just get it at six because its an insanely good team fight ult and even better for zoning.
Dunno how you manage to get aghs at level 10 unless the game is 100% over.
Sorry, why would you neglect the opportunity for your whole team to become invisible? You can save the team, or wipe enemy team depending on how you use miranas ulti. As for the bear, I guess so. Also dark seer again, how can you justify not having a replica of the enemy in a teamfight? Even though you're not teamfighting often, its good just in case.
Well, it depends on the stuns on the team, and who is getting mek. I know I'm scrub league, but my build is ring of basilius, arcane boots, mek then ags, unless someone else is getting the mek then I skip straight to ags then usually go for a scyth.
And ulti at 6 when you can only have a couple of points in ice path means you burn mana and the enemy will just run out. Of course, if you can chain stun then I'll grab it, but I prefer to wait until I've got a bigger mana pool then I can ulti, ice path then dual breath to slow them and keep them in the area which is doing increased dps and covers a much larger area.
and only 1 hero i can think of that i don't level up ulti when level 6, and that's phantom lancer.
Everyone else, its stupid not to lol
Yeah I'm not sure what kind of games you are playing but when you get arcanes mek aghs and a scythe on a jak then something is wrong. Also burning mana isn't really a big deal when you can potentially kill someone or save a teammate.