What am I doing wrong to get paired up with them? While in ranked game sure I won't get new players I still am paired up with absolutely clueless people. In one ranked game today omni on enemy team fed my lane, game was already in the bag for my side by 5min mark, by 24min we took throne without trying just running like headless chicken in at 20% health.
That omni proclaimed that he refused to play support because "if you want support in pub play with friends".
Now he was on enemy team because I was on 10 game losing streak, when I approach +40 wins like clockwork that ceiling pairs me up with players like that omni. Matchmaking working is a secret but this throwing clueless people to balance out win and loss is most certainly there, it works like clockwork for me.
Edit: 40+ cieling for me is really like clockwork I made a mistake of starting ranked matches while at the top of this sine wave of mine. If I get to +40 it's feeders feeders feeders, when I get around 8 losses in a row I then paired up against feeders winning these silly 50-5 games.