Others just want Russia to burn
Single Draft is the only mode I enjoy when solo queuing. All Pick has far too much waiting until the end then counter picking. It forces me to try new heroes and get out of my comfort zone which I like.
Getting quite decent at puck now. Just played a game 11-4-28. Feels good man.
Just played another game 14-1-20
<3 puck
Getting quite decent at puck now. Just played a game 11-4-28. Feels good man.
Just trying to remember what hero it was - Necro-something or other (can't look on Dota site at work) - had a couple of passive abilities that drain opponents max hp and increase regen based on kills, and an stun-ult that I think amplified or dealt damage based on how injured the enemy hero was![]()
Necrolite, or Necrophage or whatever they renamed him to. He's ok, I don't find him that fun to play as a support role though.
Puck is so much fun, one of my favourites.
But there's nothing worse than wiffing the combo q-w-d-r-e-DOH!
That's the one! It seemed like his ult would potentially be quite good in team-fights, but in the match last night we didn't really get to that stage...
Think another on our team had picked Dazzle and decided to lane with me - and I wasn't familiar with that hero either so didn't realise we were both supports until it was pointed out later, then after a bit he just went AFK and eventually one of our other team-mates just abandoned leaving us 3v5 with no chance, especially as they seemed to have a lot of powerful snowballing hero's like Viper and Bloodseeker who quickly got way out of control once we were outnumbered and struggling to defend
Ah, he's not really a support as such, he can just fill in as one. He's far better played as a carry/semi carry. If you were laning with dazzle then you should have been getting the last hits really (and that lane should have been nigh on unkillable!)