*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

I don't think any game can be as bad as that game yesterday. What a **** QoP, kept using ult in the opposite way of the enemies...
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Just played another game 14-1-20

<3 puck

puck is definitely one of the most potent heroes for pubstomping in dota with enough skill. he's basically the master of all jukes. fun hero indeed. it can be insanely fun and rewarding to throw your ball one way and phase to make the enemy team think you're going there, while you actually just created a diversion for them so you can sneak out the back door. biggest problem is with a hero that's so good at taking risks, a simple slip of the fingers can cause a ton of havoc.

on the topic of modes, being a level 75 with about 900 and counting games, i've had a lot of experience with them. it may seem odd, but my favourite mode is in fact plain old AP. in high level play, though it is true it's still a waiting game to see who picks first and who can counter first, at least one person eventually does and it all builds from there. i have a fairly small variety of heroes (around 5 that i can play well and 5 others that i can play if i feel the need to) that i prefer to play as, though it ranges from ward-haggling supports to nukers and initiators. i feel as long as you get familiar with a couple heroes that you can fulfill unique roles and counterplays with, all pick is a lot less terrible than it seems. perhaps i've just gotten good at dealing with it, who knows. it is always fun to mix it up and play something like random draft when you're up for it, but i always have the most fun in all pick when picking rubick, my favourite hero to completely turn the tides of a game with. :D
As a new player one of the biggest problems with the all-pick countering and whatever is obviously just not knowing the heroes...

And not only that but even the heroes I do know I can sometimes not quite work out which hero it is from their little portrait picture!!!

Add in the pressure of a 30 second timer or however long it is you get to pick and it's a total pain... Hence a pretty strong tendency to just search for one of the ones you know and going with it... But I'm sure over time you get a better feel for it as you play more

Last night I had a quick game in Single-draft and got faced with 3 heroes I'd never played or heard anything about, and I went with the support-y sounding one because I find it a bit easier going and figured since I don't know the heroes it might help. Liked the hero I got a lot and although the game was a fail I think I didn't do too badly. Just trying to remember what hero it was - Necro-something or other (can't look on Dota site at work) - had a couple of passive abilities that drain opponents max hp and increase regen based on kills, and an stun-ult that I think amplified or dealt damage based on how injured the enemy hero was :)
I just hate people who don't seem to think about their picks at all.

Yesterday the other team clearly had a bloodseeker, yet some dude picks axe goes in the jungle continually gets low on HP.

Seeker runs in an guts him about 5 times until he decided maybe he shouldn't be doing it.
Just trying to remember what hero it was - Necro-something or other (can't look on Dota site at work) - had a couple of passive abilities that drain opponents max hp and increase regen based on kills, and an stun-ult that I think amplified or dealt damage based on how injured the enemy hero was :)

Necrolite, or Necrophage or whatever they renamed him to. He's ok, I don't find him that fun to play as a support role though.
Necrolite, or Necrophage or whatever they renamed him to. He's ok, I don't find him that fun to play as a support role though.

That's the one! It seemed like his ult would potentially be quite good in team-fights, but in the match last night we didn't really get to that stage...

Think another on our team had picked Dazzle and decided to lane with me - and I wasn't familiar with that hero either so didn't realise we were both supports until it was pointed out later, then after a bit he just went AFK and eventually one of our other team-mates just abandoned leaving us 3v5 with no chance, especially as they seemed to have a lot of powerful snowballing hero's like Viper and Bloodseeker who quickly got way out of control once we were outnumbered and struggling to defend
I love Necrophos as he is now called, especially dagon 5 necrophos haha.

He can be a pretty solid carry if you get fed and tank up, he needs to stay alive to spam his death pulse and obviously his heart stopper is a slow tick.

Will obviously get outcarried by the really hard carries, but fun none the less.
That's the one! It seemed like his ult would potentially be quite good in team-fights, but in the match last night we didn't really get to that stage...

Think another on our team had picked Dazzle and decided to lane with me - and I wasn't familiar with that hero either so didn't realise we were both supports until it was pointed out later, then after a bit he just went AFK and eventually one of our other team-mates just abandoned leaving us 3v5 with no chance, especially as they seemed to have a lot of powerful snowballing hero's like Viper and Bloodseeker who quickly got way out of control once we were outnumbered and struggling to defend

Ah, he's not really a support as such, he can just fill in as one. He's far better played as a carry/semi carry. If you were laning with dazzle then you should have been getting the last hits really (and that lane should have been nigh on unkillable!)
Ah, he's not really a support as such, he can just fill in as one. He's far better played as a carry/semi carry. If you were laning with dazzle then you should have been getting the last hits really (and that lane should have been nigh on unkillable!)

Haha well there's my/our mistake then - I assumed when I saw "Support" on the character select screen thing that I would be playing him support, and since I didn't know Dazzle was a support I figured he was a carry and I was letting him get all the last hits while I just generally pestered/intimidated the other heroes, and placed some wards to keep an eye on the rune/river...

To be fair despite that we didn't really die much early game, I think their lane was Treant Protector (?) and something else - err - looked maybe like a female version of the dragon knight, tall red/gold armoured female with a big spear (lol sorry - I will learn)... I got 3 kills and I think the Dazzle guy got 1 or 2... and we helped out pretty well in a few teamfights... but then like I said the whole game suddenly went to hell

I'll have to give Necrophos another go sometime and try to play more aggressively in that case - thanks! :D
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