*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Won vs mega creeps earlier, I was quite a fed PA and we had a fed Luna with me. So we just barrelled down mid after killing their lifestealer and then straight for the throne. Got some lucky crits on their storm spirit and the supports just melted to us.

Feels good, I thought we had lost.

Very rare occurence. I've only seen it once i n 600 games and sadly it happened to me when 3 of my team all dc after we had megas. Even with 2 v 5 they still struggled to win

All pick ranked.
First 2 people random leshrac and omniknight, cool supports done. I offer to swap with both of them if neither of them want to play support, no response.
I fancy playing puck.
Leshrac buys soul ring at base? Omniknight gets wards.
Other 2 pick timbersaw and pl, legit picks.
Leshrac flames me, he wants to mid with a soulring and no regen?
Omniknight says look at my gold buy courier (i bought 3 branches and tangoes, going fast bottle? lol) timbersaw ends up buying it.
EU West this Leshrac speaks no english he's from Peru? The omniknight was from Venezuela?

Like wut, why do I have to play with these morons. Leshrac goes on to feed 9 deaths in the first 10 minutes, I go 4-0-5 early on, ganking bottom lane when I get 6, he tells everyone to report me and that I'm a noob. Game ends in 25 minutes because their whole team is fed.

I'm sure we've all had games like this but it's just so frustrating that I have to play with these people and how are they 'supposedly' the same MMR as me, the timbersaw and PL were fine but the omniknight and leshrac just fed. I'm so fed up of being put with people who are awful, and fine they can't help that they're awful we were all bad at one point but Valve need to do something because it's clearly not good.

I feel as though, for people like me who came to Dota2 as complete new players, having built up from the low MMR you get stuck in a cycle. As the higher skill you get, you lose to people because they are better than you, because they outplay you. Whereas at the level that I am at, you don't get outplayed, you lose because you get put with people who are just nowhere near competent enough to play and you just get stuck in a loop. It's so frustrating.
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sigh I wish games had an option to exclude being paired up with a stack, their skill is far overvalued and 95% of the team they are god-awful, lina carry part of stack seems to be the golden rule in such parties. Shame valve removed the option to only look for match with only other solo people. :(
Sigh (getting with the general tone of things :p) playing some bot matches still to practice until I get the net at my new house.

Really irritating at the higher difficulty settings as rather than just make both sets of bots better and see how you get on they seem instead to just make your own team mentally retarded. Suicide charges, leaving lands randomly, not supporting. Bots make random pubbers look pro :p
14 wins 2 losses with treant.

Played him offlane solo for the first time today. ****ing love this hero so much. Used him with lifestealer as a bomb. Go invis by some trees, wait for people to come. Jump on them and bind them all, lifestealer comes out and wrecks. Leech seed is epic in team fights as well as a decent slow. Love this hero so much.
sigh I wish games had an option to exclude being paired up with a stack, their skill is far overvalued and 95% of the team they are god-awful, lina carry part of stack seems to be the golden rule in such parties. Shame valve removed the option to only look for match with only other solo people. :(

I can kinda understand why they've done it though... you have to think about how it was before, with regards to queueing.

It would be searching for Server Preference / Language / Game Modes / Solo(If you are or not), back before this current patch. And now instead of Solo it's searching for if you're wanting to play ranked or not.

Now obviously I've got no proof at all, but say you had to the following criteria in your search preferences;

Ranked, Solo, Russian, EU West, All Pick/Captains Draft/Single Draft

I can only assume that Valve decided that this overstepped some arbitrary line that dictates how quickly you can find a match, or something along those lines. Don't get me wrong, I also hate the idea of being matched up against a 5 stack when I'm queueing solo (something I'm pretty sure Valve said they were actively trying to avoid) and I'd love for something to be done about it. But when you think about it clearly for a few seconds, it makes a little sense to why it happens so that people get put up against stacks. But it is completely unfair when you're a 2+2+1, and they're a 5.

Then again, personally I wouldn't mind waiting an extra 3 or 4 minutes if it meant not going up against a 5 stack. But I'm not a developer, so there must be more reasoning attached to why they'd take Solo queueing out when they brought Ranked in.
14 wins 2 losses with treant.

Played him offlane solo for the first time today. ****ing love this hero so much. Used him with lifestealer as a bomb. Go invis by some trees, wait for people to come. Jump on them and bind them all, lifestealer comes out and wrecks. Leech seed is epic in team fights as well as a decent slow. Love this hero so much.

I don't understand how you can play that hero so much. He's so boring, you literally prance around pretty slowly not exactly much. That said he is pretty strong in lower bracket games because people don't realise how strong living armour is in lane/tower protection.
I don't understand how you can play that hero so much. He's so boring, you literally prance around pretty slowly not exactly much. That said he is pretty strong in lower bracket games because people don't realise how strong living armour is in lane/tower protection.

Same with a lot of supports really you can either play really passively or go gank with him, if you go gank with him he's not boring at all.
He's not really good to gank with at all.

He's one of those supports you pick if you want to just play really passive and avoid fights since you can delay pushes a lot and help your mid win the lane.
Same. If I want a hero that can help my team be a bit more aggressive or save them then I'd pick Dazzle or Abaddon as they are just more fun.
I think the problem is he's harder to play than most support heroes (what with the need to micro the familiar stomps to really maximise his effectiveness) I've done well when I've played with him but I never feel like I'm using him to his full potential.
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