*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Was something seriously up with the servers last night. People kept getting disconnected. Happened to me also but it wouldn't let me reconnect :( I think the game ended with no stats being recorded though.

Oh and just to add to my previous list of WTF??? moments, Support lich going 20 minute midas :(

Really think the match making was broken yesterday, seemed an unusually high proportion of games that were complete stomps one way or another.

First game with Phoenix yesterday too, I love the animation on his icarus dive :) His ulti can change a team fight if used at just the right moment also.
Support WD going phase/ShadowBlade isn't unheard of, it's to make you untargetable during ult which is extremely potent vs no aoe ground target lineups, boots choice is to catch people up with cask. That's not to say the other actions arn't rusDota (cyka) but the top one is fairly legit.
Support WD going phase/ShadowBlade isn't unheard of, it's to make you untargetable during ult which is extremely potent vs no aoe ground target lineups, boots choice is to catch people up with cask. That's not to say the other actions arn't rusDota (cyka) but the top one is fairly legit.

Yup. In Hon you could BKB and then shadowblade which made your ult pretty much uncancellable (?). Think it works the same way here right?
Support WD going phase/ShadowBlade isn't unheard of, it's to make you untargetable during ult which is extremely potent vs no aoe ground target lineups, boots choice is to catch people up with cask. That's not to say the other actions arn't rusDota (cyka) but the top one is fairly legit.

I get phase on WD. I alternate between sblade and bkb depending on enemy lineup.

I genuinely think WD is wasted full support, his damage with Aghs ulti is mental and far more useful than most of the other casters in the game.
Support WD going phase/ShadowBlade isn't unheard of, it's to make you untargetable during ult which is extremely potent vs no aoe ground target lineups, boots choice is to catch people up with cask. That's not to say the other actions arn't rusDota (cyka) but the top one is fairly legit.

No it's not really legit when he is playing support without actually doing any support play. It's just pure greed and could almost be forgiven if the stupid Russian would use his ult + sb in a team fight, instead of running about solo getting killed.

likewise I could go CM and call mid or just sit in the jungle for 35/40 mins farming blink dagger, shadowblade/bkb with phase boots obviously for that extra attack damage and chase potential. It's really not viable unless your team is already stomping and it doesn't matter what the hell you buy because it's over.
phase boots are viable but I'd go aghs over shadowblade depending on the amount of disables.

I'm not actually bothered about phase boots over arcane/tranqs, I have gone phase myself because of how slow WD is. My point was emphasising a so called support with only 2 items (one being completely greedy shadowblade)
I have found love in the form of ogre magi. I always ignored him because he wasn't really used in pro games, plus who cares about supports. But I picked him in a single draft game and he's just awesome. Powerful stun from Lv1, a nice dot and a pretty decent buff for your allies.

And then you just multicast everything like it's vegas, baby.
I had my first two ranked games last night.

First was horrific, made the mistake of going Riki and they just played me out the game. My team was horrific (1/12 Drow lol) which didn't help but it wasn't fun!

Then played another and went Weaver and dominated lane with CK. Had a very good DP player too and ended up running out easy winners. Got Abyssal relatively early and just murdered everything from then on.
I find it really annoying when pub players all buy Lothars, CM does not need a Lothars, get a BKB for the love of Rosh (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
I had my first two ranked games last night.

First was horrific, made the mistake of going Riki and they just played me out the game. My team was horrific (1/12 Drow lol) which didn't help but it wasn't fun!

Then played another and went Weaver and dominated lane with CK. Had a very good DP player too and ended up running out easy winners. Got Abyssal relatively early and just murdered everything from then on.

A weaver and CK lane?! Interesting haha. And first item abyssal on weaver? You play in trench tier then? No offense intended as I too play in trench tier :cool:
I don't play in any tier yet :)

Abyssal wasn't first item but it worked perfectly with a few attack spied boosts. Drop out if stealth and have them dead in a coupe if seconds, then either stealth away or warp if I'm under attack. It was perfect for nuking.

I'm far from any pro or even good player though, I just enjoy the game and play with builds to see what works.
i can see how it might work but the % chance to proc for ranged heroes is only 10%. I guess with geminate its not too shabby and the on use stun is always good.

I play weaver pretty standard: Linkens, Deso, Butterfly, heart. Or if they are spell heavy I will forego the butterfly and get a BKB. I've experimented with mjolnir and radiance but both are so situational. It's also entirely possible to skip boots on weaver to get a super fast linkens as with sukuchi you move at max move speed anyway :)
The only unusual item I buy is a hyperstone as I really rate attack speed, especially on the likes of beast master! Only buy it late game though and only if ive bought a basher, so jugga, bestmaster sometimes ursa.

Beast master with mask of madness, basher and hyper stone is devestating if you have ulti. Roar in then MoM and just right click the life out of them, if they try and escape use your throw to clean up! GeeGee.
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