*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Just busy relearning how irritatingly OP and game changing Zeus can be with Scepter and refresher :p

Won a couple of games with him on the bounce and I wasn't using him as your typical kill steal PITA.
What do they use to calculate mmr?

Won 7/12 calculation games. Had a positive k/d in all games bar one. Plays good support in two, gave instructions and led team... 2.3k. I gather that's pretty **** and whilst I'm not a great player my two games with that bracket it's the window licker crew again and in not that bad!!

I really ******* loathe this game at times :p
What do they use to calculate mmr?

Won 7/12 calculation games. Had a positive k/d in all games bar one. Plays good support in two, gave instructions and led team... 2.3k. I gather that's pretty **** and whilst I'm not a great player my two games with that bracket it's the window licker crew again and in not that bad!!

I really ******* loathe this game at times :p

All those games you played before ranked is how Valve where judging your MMR. The 10 calibration games are used to narrow down any uncertainty in your rank.

Wouldn't worry to much about it, I think I am right in saying this is your first ever Moba? You have had to learn a tonne of mechanics/heroes pretty much on your own. Also remember you tend to play any hero which makes you a jack of all trades and a master of none :)

If you want to inflate your MMR there are tactics you can try such as, going tower push Lycan build, play nothing but Terrorblade or choose a range of snowball mid heroes and get really good with them :)
If it takes everything into account I can understand a little more :p

I'll look at Lycan, what mid snowballed would you recommend? Do you mean the likes of Drow/sniper and co?

I know I still have a ton to learn but I'm way above this mmr. Had2 games in it went 16/2 BS in a win then 12/3 Lich in a loss because my team would not group up and our main carry (prophet) was intent on a solo win.
If it takes everything into account I can understand a little more :p

I'll look at Lycan, what mid snowballed would you recommend? Do you mean the likes of Drow/sniper and co?

I know I still have a ton to learn but I'm way above this mmr. Had2 games in it went 16/2 BS in a win then 12/3 Lich in a loss because my team would not group up and our main carry (prophet) was intent on a solo win.

Natures prophet or death prophet? Worrying if either of those were your main carry, natures prophet can get decent damage but as a main carry is questionable. I mean no offence but 2.3k sounds about right, there is a lot to learn between there and 3k. Refresher aghs Zeus stops being "game changing" for a start because someone has the foresight to build a pipe.
If it takes everything into account I can understand a little more :p

I'll look at Lycan, what mid snowballed would you recommend? Do you mean the likes of Drow/sniper and co?

I know I still have a ton to learn but I'm way above this mmr. Had2 games in it went 16/2 BS in a win then 12/3 Lich in a loss because my team would not group up and our main carry (prophet) was intent on a solo win.

Storm Spirit, Ember (6.80 patch) I think nerfs will be incoming for him, fairly high skill gap hero though. At this tier, Viper is quite cheesy and effective, TA can snowball hard. Puck is nice if you want to help the team. Drow has kind of come back into the fold since the recent changes to her silence etc. Sniper at this tier if left to farm is a complete beast. Clinkz can be super effective if you just constantly gank to help win the other lanes.

Jungle Lycan pretty much stay away from team fights, you have one objective which is towers. Farm up Necro book 3 and split push to your hearts content. Steal rosh when you can.

Slark can snowball hard and can be played mid depending on opponent but I wouldn't be surprised if someone will just pick invoker/pudge and tell you to pee off. Still super strong played in the carry roll too.

Bloodseeker another effective hero at this MMR tier. I've had some really successful games with him recently. Just snowballed so hard, I don't mind going offlane with him as I just want my 6 and then I TP down to another lane and get my gank on :D, stupid enemies don't seem to realise that TP scroll completely counters his ult lol. Item build is generally, Poor Mans shield > Phase > yasha > bkb. If enemy team has lots of disable then I will skip yasha and start work on the bkb. He is an awesome counter to slark also, your bloodthirst stops slark's ulti from healing him when he goes under 50% health, as you have global vision.
Nature. I agree that he should not he a main carry but the team had picked 2 nukers, Riki (lol) and NP so whilst I would have preferred to take a good carry I was last pick and took Lich to give sone support.

Was best of a bad situation at that point.
Interesting just checked my Wraith King win rate for 6.80 patch, almost exclusively copying an unusual build that was used by some guy in the 6k range MMR. 85.71%
6.07 KDA

Treads > Drums > Blade Mail > Radiance (After radiance you are supposed to farm up refresher hehe but i've only got there once.

General idea is you are a massive tank, once you die the first time your ult gives a 900 radius -75 attack speed and move speed slow. This is completely devastating to the enemy in a team fight. So your team should be able to mop up as you are being completely focused. You also have lots of mana to fire of your stun without fear of losing your ult.
Storm Spirit, Ember (6.80 patch) I think nerfs will be incoming for him, fairly high skill gap hero though. At this tier, Viper is quite cheesy and effective, TA can snowball hard. Puck is nice if you want to help the team. Drow has kind of come back into the fold since the recent changes to her silence etc. Sniper at this tier if left to farm is a complete beast. Clinkz can be super effective if you just constantly gank to help win the other lanes.

Jungle Lycan pretty much stay away from team fights, you have one objective which is towers. Farm up Necro book 3 and split push to your hearts content. Steal rosh when you can.

Slark can snowball hard and can be played mid depending on opponent but I wouldn't be surprised if someone will just pick invoker/pudge and tell you to pee off. Still super strong played in the carry roll too.

Bloodseeker another effective hero at this MMR tier. I've had some really successful games with him recently. Just snowballed so hard, I don't mind going offlane with him as I just want my 6 and then I TP down to another lane and get my gank on :D, stupid enemies don't seem to realise that TP scroll completely counters his ult lol. Item build is generally, Poor Mans shield > Phase > yasha > bkb. If enemy team has lots of disable then I will skip yasha and start work on the bkb. He is an awesome counter to slark also, your bloodthirst stops slark's ulti from healing him when he goes under 50% health, as you have global vision.

Cheers for the tips.

I've still a long way to go and a I want is good games with good players. I wouldn't be bothered about my mmr if I wasn't with the keyboard head bashing crowd which means every game is either easymode win or getting smashed flat in 30mins by 30+ kills.
Cheers for the tips.

I've still a long way to go and a I want is good games with good players. I wouldn't be bothered about my mmr if I wasn't with the keyboard head bashing crowd which means every game is either easymode win or getting smashed flat in 30mins by 30+ kills.

Get used to it mate. Highest I've been is 4.2k and that bracket is full of idiots. Watching 6k + people play it is surprising the amount of bad players there too :)

At least you have your MMR now so you can focus on improving your game. If this is your first moba you aren't doing badly
Wow, theres some really bad advice in this thread. People claiming the way to climb MMR is to play heroes like Bloodseeker lol. If you want to improve, and I mean really improve, then watch your games back, spend more time looking at the map and carry TPs. Stop buying gimmicky stuff like Shadow Blade on Witch Doctor, and start supporting properly. If you're playing Weaver then Abyssal is just about the worst possible item you can buy. Most of all remember that those terrible teammates which you all think are so bad make the same mistakes that you do, and think that you're the reason they are losing too. If you're stuck at 3k then you deserve to be there.

Of course, if unlike me you're lucky enough to actually enjoy DOTA without having to win, then continue rushing Aghs on Lion to your hearts content.
Wow, theres some really bad advice in this thread. People claiming the way to climb MMR is to play heroes like Bloodseeker lol. If you want to improve, and I mean really improve, then watch your games back, spend more time looking at the map and carry TPs. Stop buying gimmicky stuff like Shadow Blade on Witch Doctor, and start supporting properly. If you're playing Weaver then Abyssal is just about the worst possible item you can buy. Most of all remember that those terrible teammates which you all think are so bad make the same mistakes that you do, and think that you're the reason they are losing too. If you're stuck at 3k then you deserve to be there.

Of course, if unlike me you're lucky enough to actually enjoy DOTA without having to win, then continue rushing Aghs on Lion to your hearts content.

You can laugh all you want, picking bloodseeker at 2.3k MMR range is not bad advice at all. I gave him tips on how to increase his MMR quickly, yea by all means watching back games of yourself you will improve, but look forward to another 500 games before you make any noticeable difference to your MMR :)
Wow, theres some really bad advice in this thread. People claiming the way to climb MMR is to play heroes like Bloodseeker lol. If you want to improve, and I mean really improve, then watch your games back, spend more time looking at the map and carry TPs. Stop buying gimmicky stuff like Shadow Blade on Witch Doctor, and start supporting properly. If you're playing Weaver then Abyssal is just about the worst possible item you can buy. Most of all remember that those terrible teammates which you all think are so bad make the same mistakes that you do, and think that you're the reason they are losing too. If you're stuck at 3k then you deserve to be there.

Of course, if unlike me you're lucky enough to actually enjoy DOTA without having to win, then continue rushing Aghs on Lion to your hearts content.

Are you related to Murray?
Wow, theres some really bad advice in this thread. People claiming the way to climb MMR is to play heroes like Bloodseeker lol. If you want to improve, and I mean really improve, then watch your games back, spend more time looking at the map and carry TPs. Stop buying gimmicky stuff like Shadow Blade on Witch Doctor, and start supporting properly. If you're playing Weaver then Abyssal is just about the worst possible item you can buy. Most of all remember that those terrible teammates which you all think are so bad make the same mistakes that you do, and think that you're the reason they are losing too. If you're stuck at 3k then you deserve to be there.

Of course, if unlike me you're lucky enough to actually enjoy DOTA without having to win, then continue rushing Aghs on Lion to your hearts content.

If you're stuck at 3k mmr, like me, it's usually down to the games where you're placed with chasers and idiots for the most part. it's very rare, especially in a game like this, to find a game where everyone knows their place.
CAI thank you for teaching me the joys of Lycan push :D

Just had a game last night and won a really close match. Stared 0/5 and getting flamed everyone saying report me and telling me to leave blah blah. It didn't help that a muppet LC (picked after I had said I would Lycan jungle) started fighting me for jungle mobs. Ended up so top and died a few times thanks to a well played Pudge. Eventually got my farm on and won a team fight getting 4 kills in about 10secs and a tower. Apparently I was still a noob. Took down 2 towers solo (getting 2 random kills) I'm still a noob. Triple kill in the next team fight and another tower they eventually wound their neck in :p

Ended 17/13 took out all 9 towers myself but not one of them apologised or said good game, I told them they could send their apologies on a postcard :p on the flipside got 3 commends from the opposition :)

Will be playing a lot more Lycan push, really fun and powerful.
CAI thank you for teaching me the joys of Lycan push :D

Just had a game last night and won a really close match. Stared 0/5 and getting flamed everyone saying report me and telling me to leave blah blah. It didn't help that a muppet LC (picked after I had said I would Lycan jungle) started fighting me for jungle mobs. Ended up so top and died a few times thanks to a well played Pudge. Eventually got my farm on and won a team fight getting 4 kills in about 10secs and a tower. Apparently I was still a noob. Took down 2 towers solo (getting 2 random kills) I'm still a noob. Triple kill in the next team fight and another tower they eventually wound their neck in :p

Ended 17/13 took out all 9 towers myself but not one of them apologised or said good game, I told them they could send their apologies on a postcard :p on the flipside got 3 commends from the opposition :)

Will be playing a lot more Lycan push, really fun and powerful.

Sounds good :D not sure what the rest of your team lineup was but solo offlane Lycan isn't terrible. Just get some early levels and whatever last hits you can manage under the tower if they are very aggressive. You can go to the jungle later rather than fighting LC so early for farm.
Well the selections were terrible to be honest I don't know how we won.

I picked first and set out my stall, this was followed by LC who then demanded jungle and 3 (yes 3!!!) supports. Disruptor, Dazzle and Rubrick though I suppose Rub and Ruptir technically aren't supports I just don't like them and chuck them in that bracket :p

Oh and despite all that support we had no wards, god knows how we won :p
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