*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Not even gonna deny it lol. Last game I just played I randomed pudge, instantly the pugna on my team calls me a noob, I ask him why am I a noob he says because I'm an idiot. I'm like rofl ok, get muted + reported. Gank top, get first blood, tp to base buy courier and wards -.- end the game 9-2-24. ezzzz

If you guys getting stressed out playing ranked go play unranked and random. It's real fun.
Gank top, get first blood, tp to base buy courier and wards -.- end the game 9-2-24. ezzzz

It's the best thing to do when you get a stupid team who don't ward or buy courier. Improve your rating then you don't have to play with the idiots in potato bracket. Out of interest what is your MMR ?
It's the best thing to do when you get a stupid team who don't ward or buy courier. Improve your rating then you don't have to play with the idiots in potato bracket. Out of interest what is your MMR ?
2.9k solo. I think I'm better than that but who doesn't? I've been told by people a lot higher than me that my mmr should be higher but meh I don't mind its jus a number.
Played my first game as gandalf today.....not a fan of him that's for sure. Granted i was trying to learn his skills in a tri-lane, against a very aggressive lane who were jumping in at me every time i tried to double stack creeps or pull the lane.

Overall opinion of gandalf though....**** and painful without aghnims, quite fun with, that pretty much sums that up.
Yea, sorry i just refer to him as gandalf, thought that would make complete sense but apparently not :p(everyone i play with refers to him as that, i mean he looks like gandalf, right?)

He kinda does! But you'd be the first person I've ever met that plays Dota who refers to him as that. Though for future reference I'll know that if anybody calls him Gandalf I'll know exactly who they're talking about, haha.
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