Gank top, get first blood, tp to base buy courier and wards -.- end the game 9-2-24. ezzzz
2.9k solo. I think I'm better than that but who doesn't? I've been told by people a lot higher than me that my mmr should be higher but meh I don't mind its jus a number.It's the best thing to do when you get a stupid team who don't ward or buy courier. Improve your rating then you don't have to play with the idiots in potato bracket. Out of interest what is your MMR ?
Lower mmr than anuraj. rekt gg rip.
Anuraj is awesome Murray.
u wot m8
Keeper of the Light...?!
Yea, sorry i just refer to him as gandalf, thought that would make complete sense but apparently not(everyone i play with refers to him as that, i mean he looks like gandalf, right?)