*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

It's steam, it has problems every so often. Had it tonight.

As long as it's not just me! :p

Had 2 good wins as LC last 2 nights. Forgot how much I love this hero. Find her really effective all game and really useful for team fights as you can lock down whichever hero causes the most bother.
Had a few ocuk games last night. Was decent fun.

Had my first Pudge ranked game last night, I played really well 14/6/10. Was 10/0 early game but unfortunately our 2 carries sucked and late game LC and LS dominated due to a good farm. Frustrating but pleased I can translate my bot practice into a good ranked pudge game.
Yea quite fun last night even with the little argument in the 2nd game :P

I know you said you read the "Welcome to Dota, you suck!" guide but it's a pretty massive guide and a lot to digest in one sitting.

For example advice I gave last night is also in the guide:

"The final most important thing you can learn about laning, is PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT AUTOATTACK THE CREEPS. There is a place where the creeps meet and beat on each other until they die. This is called the creep line. The creeps do a very exact amount of damage. Generally, if two waves of creeps fight endlessly on flat ground, THE CREEP LINE WILL NOT MOVE. If you start auto attacking or nuking the creeps, the creep line will be pushed closer to the enemy’s tower. When they enemy is closer to their tower, they are closer to being safe. It is so much more difficult to gank heroes when you can’t sneak behind them before initiating the gank. For this reason, DON’T AUTOATTACK THE CREEPS. Instead of auto attacking, right click all over the ground, run in circles until you are ready to last hit, spam the S key(stop) to animation cancel your hero(BEFORE he throws his attack). Just don’t auto attack."

It's important to remember if you are playing "support" you don't try and kill the enemy creep, as you want the carry to do this as he needs the gold reward. What you can do though which is still good practice for last hitting, is to try and kill our own creeps, which stops the enemy getting the gold reward and also gives the enemy less experience.

I have this command set in my Dota 2 config

dota_force_right_click_attack 1

^ This allows me to attack our own creeps when they are below 50% health, to try and deny them from the enemy.
You can also turn off auto attack in the options which I highly recommend. Also you don't need to use that command to deny creeps you can press a and then click on them to attack them, same with denying your own team if they certain Dots on them.
You can also turn off auto attack in the options which I highly recommend.

Solid advice, I'd definitely recommend this.

Not auto-attacking the creeps is probably the #1 thing to learn about the laning phase. The first 5-10 minutes are a fight to keep the creep line (where the creeps meet) where you want it by last hitting their creeps, denying your own creeps, and noticing things that might make it push, such as extra ranged creeps. Someone coming along and auto-attacking is a surefire way to ruin the lane for your carry because they can no longer last hit safely/easily.
Just had a rage inducing game.

A wind ranger playing support spent the whole game insulting everyone saying we were bad and not team working.... Whilst refusing to buy a single ward all ******* match :rolleyes: we lost almost all the early team fights and their Pudge ganked the life out of us.

He would not even acknowledge, what started as, polite requests to buy wards and instead just blamed everyone for his own incompetence. We could have won the game but no, lost because of a **** not doing the basics of his role.


Edit: he also didn't have mek or mana boots or pipe. Basically all the **** did was but a courier then abuse everyone.
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Nope, I even offered to support at start as Dazz as I agree wind isn't best support but he told me he would support. In his world support is only a courier it seems though :(:mad:
Since when is a mek not a windrunner item?

There is going to be quite a lot of times where she can't use a mek due to using her other abilities or can't shackle someone because she just mek'd.

She can get mek of course and its not a bad item on her but she just isn't one of the more typical heroes to buy one. If I play Windrunner support I'd usually get wards/courier then just get things like force staff and such. I wouldn't get mana boots and mek but I don't even play dota anymore so :p
I'm taking a break from dota for a while.

Either matchmaking is broke or valve have it in for me :p 5 hours tonight and no win, I kept on playing determined to get a win but have been matched with a collection of the worst players ever. Not a single of the 9 defeats was even close, I think in 9 games the teams I was in got 1 inner tower. Tried carrying, supporting anything to win but was complete ****.

Among the highlights were another non warding support, a support who would not but a courier, a 0/12 Drow, a DP who ult'ed so far from combat every time they saw him coming and just walked away, a 0/8 invoker, a timbersaw who somehow got mid went 0/7 then ragequit, a 0/10 PA and there were others.

I didn't have my best night (had 1 terrible game as LC) but it was just abysmal, most games were over in 30mibs. I don't want to win them all but a decent game is all I ask. Need a good break to calm down. :p

Edit: almost forgot my Riki game (yea I know but it had been a while) I was 16/1 stomping their team, not a single other team member had a positive k/d, that I could forgive if they were facilitating me but no, they couldn't team fight. They got picked off piece meal every time and we lost :(
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