I don't know loads (I don't even know much) but I know when you are facing a team with shed loads of stun you counter it, pretty basic stuff.
How to counter? I would probably have went shaker/TP who can knock faceless out of his ult. a high agility hero like Clinkz to counter and gank their low hp heroes. Lina wasn't a bad pick as she can knock out their low HP heroes too then maybe a Sven to add some more stun/damage and as support probably Dazzle as he can be useful in the team fights and can countr stun to an extent with his shallow grave. Maybe Lion if you wanted more stun but you would probably have enough. That's my idea, now have fun tearing into me!
Also agree getting stomped wasn't just down to picks, Bane was 1/9 and Huskar I'm guessing hasn't played much Huskar as he seemed afraid to commit and didn't like getting low on health. Plus it was my first go on SD but I didn't do too bad, 6/8 but 2 deaths coming when it was over and they were fun killing us in our base.