*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Few questions for the better players in here;

- what is a good way to play NP. I've seen him used very effectively but I plain suck with him. His trees are weak early so I can't jungle and I just find myself behind the curve and struggle to catch up.
- I hear in the better level play you leave creeps alone to maintain the line. I see axe mostly played very aggressively and tackling the creep line high to force towers down even early game. Is this a poor way of playing him?

That'll do for starters.

Another thing to watch with prophet is the map and what is going on, as he is amazing for aiding on kills or sniping heroes that have just limped away from a fight.

So annoying when you have just finished a close fight and maybe killed a few, then prophet tp's in and puts things inside you :(
IPB's point is key. Let's say you run 2-short/1/1/1 with furion and they run 2/1/2, you can force an advantage early with autoattacking. Arrange with your team to have a tussle around lvl 3 and port in just after it starts, you will put the fear into the enemy at the very least and probably get a kill. It will change the dynamic of the lane, your 2 squad will be +1.5 levels, you'll be up a bit (at the cost of farming) and the enemy will now be less likely to fight due to lane fear.

Just be aware that by taking furion you will need someone to offlane and people are naturally apprehensive about this due to the risk of getting jumped and being blamed.

Also, Chronos > Faceless.
You should be able to jungle np with ease...ish. Glove of speed and two clarities. Wait in fountain until about 15-20 secs after start and summon trees, wait for mana to recover and go to jungle. The trick is to micro your trees, if one gets weak move him back and let the other take the hits. Midas is generally the go to kit but if there is a heavy carry in your team and the other side is very aggressive it might be an idea to rush shadow dagger and start pushing early to take the pressure off your team, this will result in you being ganked...and your farm dropping off but as i say this is for your team!
Iceiceice does a great video guide to offlane NP.

Previously I was very poor at microing and was so focused on farming correctly that I neglected all map vision.

I got given NP a month back when playing single draft, not sure why but the hero just clicked for me that game. Sniped the enemy courier early this can be key especially at our level No1newts. At the start of the game click on the enemy mid hero, look at his inventory. If he only has shared tangos and a couple of gg brances he will be rushing bottle. You can snipe the courier when it has his bottle and basically win middle for the team.

When you are farming keep an eye on the mini map, if a team fight kicks off you can tp towards the end and pick off the enemy heroes just when they think they have escaped on low hp.

He is a versatile hero who doesn't just have to afk split push, you can build him as a semi carry and get involved more actively in team fights by rushing sheep stick/deso.

One of the nice ways to build him at the moment is rushing phase boots before midas. This allows you to hit quite hard in the early game if you TP into fights.
You should be able to jungle np with ease...ish. Glove of speed and two clarities. Wait in fountain until about 15-20 secs after start and summon trees, wait for mana to recover and go to jungle. The trick is to micro your trees, if one gets weak move him back and let the other take the hits. Midas is generally the go to kit but if there is a heavy carry in your team and the other side is very aggressive it might be an idea to rush shadow dagger and start pushing early to take the pressure off your team, this will result in you being ganked...and your farm dropping off but as i say this is for your team!

15-20 seconds is too late. I think basi into midas is the best build for pure jungling, unless you want to port onto a cliff. Midas is pretty much core, even with a hard carry. Shadow "dagger" aka shadow blade is a lot weaker on NP now. If you have to team fight early a quick Mek, Force or Necro is a lot better. A lot of the time you just want to farm the jungle, and only split push when you know it's safe.
Basically the answer to the second question is situational.

If you have a hard carry then you want to keep the creep line as close to your tower as possible (through not autoattacking as well as stacking and pulling) if your lineup comes online quicker than theirs (lets say you have early push heroes like DP, Shadow Shaman, Pugna DK etc) then getting the T1's early while they can't defend let's you create momentum, a gold lead and map control.

Axe is a mid game hero who drops off later on so it makes sense for him to force the game more than someone like Luna.

I think he means lane skipping as Axe, but I could be wrong. Lane skipping is bad though, any semi-competent player will just rotate and you'll die.

Be careful though, a lot of people at 2.6k don't know how to pull. If your lane is under your tower and you have a carry farming without a buckler you'll screw yourself so hard if you pull. Just try and judge when it will push up/when it's safe to pull so you don't ruin the lane.
Just don't restrict yourself to afk jungle farming. You put far to much pressure on your team especially in pubs because they will constantly be fighting 4 vs 5.

I would argue it's the same with the Doom players that sit in the jungle for 35 minutes before coming close to the fights.

As always everything in Dota is situational but if you can be active earlier and contribute to the fights you should benefit more.
I am up for some games if anyone is interested. I hover around 4.5k solo mmr mainly playing supports.

Been playing dota for around 8 years since around the mid 5.XX era even was in the same clan as Puppey back in the day.

Daily Hero challenge, should really be in anyway, earn compendium points. Maybe this should be in regardless of compendium and give you extra exp.

Alternate Voice. OK kinda cool. But I bet it will take ages to get put in.

Favourite hero challenge, yawn.

Model Update vote. err no, update the models anyway.

Multi Kill banner. Cool but it's basically going to be put in anyway as it would make valve money.

Afterparty, ok I guess.

Upgraded creeps, kinda cool.

A - Z challenge. Cool but maybe something that should be put in anyway.

Taunt. I don't really understand this one.
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