*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Also agree getting stomped wasn't just down to picks, Bane was 1/9 and Huskar I'm guessing hasn't played much Huskar as he seemed afraid to commit and didn't like getting low on health. Plus it was my first go on SD but I didn't do too bad, 6/8 but 2 deaths coming when it was over and they were fun killing us in our base.

You also seem a little obsessed with K/D ratios. This isn't COD. A Bane going 1/9 doesn't mean he had a bad game. It's not necessary to get kills to be a good support. Especially as someone like Bane who struggles to farm and doesn't really have many killing abilities (You might get a few with Brain Sap but the rest of your abilities are utility)
It's an indicator not the be all and end all I agree, it's completely disregarded if it's a support like Dazzle or someone but if we are being pedantic I can give the full reasons such as him poorly utilising his ult and terrible timing. That was reflected in his k/d though. Trust me I don't scream at people for a bad k/d/a but I don't think its a coincidence that a lot of the times a player playing bad is also reflected in a bad k/d/a, not always but a lot of the time. Plus supports you don't want getting last hits to claim a kill of your carry is there.

I did recognise the benefit of SD as the game went on Krisali, you can lock him out with your skill one and he's a good little character for harassment in general. I'm planning on a bit more practice with him, only thing I didn't like was his lack of punch but if you really want that (if you aren't main support) you cold probably whack a Dagon on him.
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It's an indicator not the be all and end all I agree, it's completely disregarded if it's a support like Dazzle or someone but if we are being pedantic I can give the full reasons such as him poorly utilising his ult and terrible timing. That was reflected in his k/d though. Trust me I don't scream at people for a bad k/d/a but I don't think its a coincidence that a lot of the times a player playing bad is also reflected in a bad k/d/a, not always but a lot of the time. Plus supports you don't want getting last hits to claim a kill of your carry is there.

I did recognise the benefit of SD as the game went on Krisali, you can lock him out with your skill one and he's a good little character for harassment in general. I'm planning on a bit more practice with him, only thing I didn't like was his lack of punch but if you really want that (if you aren't main support) you cold probably whack a Dagon on him.

OK I will disagree with you here. SD is an absolutely awesome support. His description includes 'nuker' for a reason as with Soul Catcher you can buff the dmg a target takes by 50%. Try disrupting someone, use soul catcher, a stack or two of poision then ult them and tell me that SD has 'lack of punch' :p. That's really another reason why he is good vs Void - a hero that people often build MoM on. MoM = +30% dmg taken, add +50% from Soul Catcher and your Void sporting his battlefury, Butterfly and MoM with 1200hp suddenly doesn't look so hot.

SD is a top tier pick mate, an excellent ganker, good utility, nice team fight (if you can catch the enemy team with Soul Catcher, you can scout with shadow poison, decent damage but that's not the point of the hero. Nice disables. Decent attack animation and damage. A slow.

For something fun, try using him in a tri lane with Mirana + 1 more. Watch the enemy play scared and get some easy kills. A disruption here means an almost certain kill.

Anyway yadadada blah blah I talked too much :)
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You also seem a little obsessed with K/D ratios. This isn't COD. A Bane going 1/9 doesn't mean he had a bad game. It's not necessary to get kills to be a good support. Especially as someone like Bane who struggles to farm and doesn't really have many killing abilities (You might get a few with Brain Sap but the rest of your abilities are utility)

Not going 1/9 helps a lot in being a good support though. Bane has a 300 pure damage nuke, securing kills isn't so hard. But yeah, maintaining superior vision and effective movements early on is 90% of being a support anyway.
Still time to join the league if anyone wants in. Just add me on steam and tell me how good my hair looks and if you are nice I might give you the details.
and me. I have actually gone down 100 over a week. I'm getting so tired of people AFKing and disconnecting and pauses and all this stuff. There needs to be harsher punishments.
I got up to 2.6k from 2.3 but have since had complete guff. Won 7/20 or something daft.

2 losses were in part I played terrible. Once as NP (who I really cannot get to grips with) and a terrible game as FV. The rest I just feel horribly cheated with a combination of garbage players and play :(

Went from +18 games won to even and my mmr has crashed back to 2.3k. I'm not hugely fussed about my mmr, just want close games but I tend to find 9/10 are roflstomp one way or the other. Only every so often do I get a good close game that I can enjoy.

I do find it very irritating that solo queues are mixed with groups, most times (not always) you find the team wins.

Anyhoo just whining as the game is frustrating the life out of me at the mo, still playing though. Sucker for torture :p
Few questions for the better players in here;

- what is a good way to play NP. I've seen him used very effectively but I plain suck with him. His trees are weak early so I can't jungle and I just find myself behind the curve and struggle to catch up.
- I hear in the better level play you leave creeps alone to maintain the line. I see axe mostly played very aggressively and tackling the creep line high to force towers down even early game. Is this a poor way of playing him?

That'll do for starters.
Few questions for the better players in here;

- what is a good way to play NP. I've seen him used very effectively but I plain suck with him. His trees are weak early so I can't jungle and I just find myself behind the curve and struggle to catch up.
- I hear in the better level play you leave creeps alone to maintain the line. I see axe mostly played very aggressively and tackling the creep line high to force towers down even early game. Is this a poor way of playing him?

That'll do for starters.

I''ve not played a lot of him and he's one of the more complex/versatile heroes in terms of playstyle, but firstly NPs treants definitely aren't too weak to jungle early on. One of the keys is to spawn your first set at around 0:00 at the fountain and send them out to the jungle from there, that way you have full mana and the spell comes off cool down again by the time they die. Plenty of videos on YouTube I imagine.

I'm not sure what your second question is asking... Axe is very good for creep skipping, forces down a tower nicely if they can't deal with you. Don't know what you mean by leaving creeps alone.
Basically the answer to the second question is situational.

If you have a hard carry then you want to keep the creep line as close to your tower as possible (through not autoattacking as well as stacking and pulling) if your lineup comes online quicker than theirs (lets say you have early push heroes like DP, Shadow Shaman, Pugna DK etc) then getting the T1's early while they can't defend let's you create momentum, a gold lead and map control.

Axe is a mid game hero who drops off later on so it makes sense for him to force the game more than someone like Luna.
At low-mid level you can play NP as a pure jungler. The trees tank the creeps, be sure to rotate which one is tanking so they all stay alive as long as possible. You normally buy a couple clarities plus either a basilius or a glove of haste. The idea is to get a midas asap, should be around 8mins, can be faster if you tp to a gank or two to get assist gold. The problem with this (as with any hard farming jungler) is you have to have a single hard support. It means you probably can't guarantee any farm on a hard carry hero in your safelane and that solo support is going to be super poor from having to buy all couriers and wards.

At higher level you use NP as a solo hard lane, you would get brown boots first and maybe even phase before completing the midas. This leaves 2 supports to help a hard carry as much as they need and then roam. You can retreat to the jungle if the hard lane is really too hard and you fear dying.

Whatever you do, don't cliff jungle (tping to the two high ground spots to attack creeps safely). This is much slower to get the midas than straight up jungling.

Axe can creep skip if he goes against a weak lane, especially dual lanes with a melee hard carry who has no lane presence such as void or spectre, and if paired with a healer. Good teams will rotate an extra hero or two in to kill him if he does this, but often disorganised teams won't do this and he can force an early tower while denying farm.
2 losses were in part I played terrible. Once as NP (who I really cannot get to grips with) and a terrible game as FV. The rest I just feel horribly cheated with a combination of garbage players and play :(

Are you really using this excuse? :p

If you're teammates are that bad, then you must be low elo, in which case a good player can solo carry himself to higher elos. Not saying I could because I'm bad, but if this wasn't possible, nobody would be a high elo.
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