*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

It was beautiful :D like something off the international.

Im gonna play him more often. He requires a bit more work than most of the other picks I play but hes satisfying when you get a good charge or ult.
Just practice dude, I had never played Brood until the other day, due to the compendium and have played her loads since.
Had my first game as Magnus after being inspired to try and whilst I sucked for the first three quarters had a decent finish and can certainly see his potential.
Me and musty got cheated last night!

We had slark/Slardar/tiny/bristle and WK against FV/Mirana/Sm/Riki and vengeful.

Personally thought on the picks we would struggle and we were losing by 3 towers but we just snowballed really well, won a team fight and smashed their centre two towers. They when they pushed back they were held whilst (slark) and tiny wiped their top lane including barracks. Then got bottom back to base and we looked like finishing..... Then (call me suspicious) the vengeful stared ranting in Russian and as he finished our whole team got dc'ed and had to close the game to re-establish dota network, then the game had just disappeared and we couldn't rejoin. Hmmmm.....
Anyone else noticed ranked brings out the biggest cry babies and self defeatism in people?

Idiots giving up and trying to throw within 6 minutes of the game! Still ended up winning in the end but I am seeing this often in ranked. :|
Anyone else noticed ranked brings out the biggest cry babies and self defeatism in people?

Idiots giving up and trying to throw within 6 minutes of the game! Still ended up winning in the end but I am seeing this often in ranked. :|

I go into full blown abuse mode when people do this. I absolutely hate people calling GG 5 minutes into the game. I tell them to shut the **** up and actually try and play.

We had a Terrorblade go 1/7 in a game the other day. He was calling GG from 5 minutes in. Told him to shut up and farm and eventually the game turned around.

The defeatist attitude can lose the games in itself. Frustrates the hell out of me. If Im gonna be stuck in a game for 30-50 minutes Id sure as hell hope the people on my team are at least trying.
I tend toward negative but I get at people to try harder as opposed to whining gg.

As you chaps people calling insta GG I want to punch them in he face :p
He has a negative attitude but he still makes people try harder instead of giving up (which is kind of a contradiction). If people are conceding 5 mins in then he wants to punch them in the face.
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