He has a negative attitude but he still makes people try harder instead of giving up (which is kind of a contradiction). If people are conceding 5 mins in then he wants to punch them in the face.
Alright now I see, that makes a lot more senseThanks. But yeah I tend to be a bit of a dick ingame. Reason I barely play the game anymore because it just makes me miserable
I had a bad game last night. Maybe I was just half cut from beer or something but as Axe I struggled in a lane that should have been easy. I was solo lane against Riki and Earthshaker. They managed to kill me a few times. Earthshaker stuns and riki dpsing me they would kick my ass and then survive on like 10%hp each.
I then got some abuse off a player on my team who riled me and then I stopped giving a **** so much. That coupled with the fact that the carries on my team were on scores like 0/10 and 1/9 we were doomed anyway.
The pleb who dished out abuse I just said "Well I'm in the same MMR pool as you pal, so maybe you need to worry about yourself being at same level as a *noob* like me."
This is the thing, everyone has bad games where nothing seems to go right, you die a few times which puts you behind and then you can't catch up, especially if the rest of your team are also doing badly.
It is funny when people in the same MMR as you are calling you noob, happens all the time, such are the joys of Dota.
Got to play a little at the weekend, was about to post on here how good the games were. Two in a row of all English speaking players who communicated, didn't cry and worked as a team.
But no, straight after into 3 terrible games with Russians QQ.