*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Alright now I see, that makes a lot more sense :p Thanks. But yeah I tend to be a bit of a dick ingame. Reason I barely play the game anymore because it just makes me miserable :P
He has a negative attitude but he still makes people try harder instead of giving up (which is kind of a contradiction). If people are conceding 5 mins in then he wants to punch them in the face.

Cheers Shami :)

I realise the contradiction but I've always internalised my negativity thanks to the annoying company I work for, if I complained out loud I'd have died from a stress related annurism by now :p

Alright now I see, that makes a lot more sense :p Thanks. But yeah I tend to be a bit of a dick ingame. Reason I barely play the game anymore because it just makes me miserable :P

I've stopped playing ranked for the same purpose, it used to wreck my night :p one night I was up until 3am (when I had a 530am start) as I had to win one game before giving up for the night. By 3am and 8 losses I gave in, so next day I was tired and ****** off :p:D

I just play unranked all random or least played and just relax now (most of the time :D)
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Yeah tried some all random lately, just playing anything while I wait for wildstar and half of them just been a disaster. Only played like 10 games in the last 3 months, and all in the past week. Always regret playing like 10mins into it.
Had a good Abaddon game, really starting to love the hero.

I still get a little overly confident and get myself killed at times but he's good for causing havoc and swinging team fights :)
For the first time got a reply thanking me for reporting someone and telling me they have taken action against them.

Fair play fr the feedback valve.
New immortals are awesome i just wish they gave everyone just 1 immortal like last time so that they were a bit more rare or "immortal" because everyone will just have them now.
I know from having a lvl 81 compendium i got tons of chests
I had a bad game last night. Maybe I was just half cut from beer or something but as Axe I struggled in a lane that should have been easy. I was solo lane against Riki and Earthshaker. They managed to kill me a few times. Earthshaker stuns and riki dpsing me they would kick my ass and then survive on like 10%hp each.

I then got some abuse off a player on my team who riled me and then I stopped giving a **** so much. That coupled with the fact that the carries on my team were on scores like 0/10 and 1/9 we were doomed anyway.

The pleb who dished out abuse I just said "Well I'm in the same MMR pool as you pal, so maybe you need to worry about yourself being at same level as a *noob* like me."
Ye i just play non-ranked.. been playing all pick lately as usually play all random. Always the same heroes people pick in all pick so im not keen on it.. invoker for example is a guarentee lol
I started playing yesterday (under the tutelage of a friend) and LOVE IT.

Do we have an OcUK group for DOTA2? It would be great to find a regular bunch to play with - as long as you don't mind putting up with a noob :D

Steam link in sig if you want to add me :)


I had a bad game last night. Maybe I was just half cut from beer or something but as Axe I struggled in a lane that should have been easy. I was solo lane against Riki and Earthshaker. They managed to kill me a few times. Earthshaker stuns and riki dpsing me they would kick my ass and then survive on like 10%hp each.

I then got some abuse off a player on my team who riled me and then I stopped giving a **** so much. That coupled with the fact that the carries on my team were on scores like 0/10 and 1/9 we were doomed anyway.

The pleb who dished out abuse I just said "Well I'm in the same MMR pool as you pal, so maybe you need to worry about yourself being at same level as a *noob* like me."

This is the thing, everyone has bad games where nothing seems to go right, you die a few times which puts you behind and then you can't catch up, especially if the rest of your team are also doing badly.

It is funny when people in the same MMR as you are calling you noob, happens all the time, such are the joys of Dota.
This is the thing, everyone has bad games where nothing seems to go right, you die a few times which puts you behind and then you can't catch up, especially if the rest of your team are also doing badly.

It is funny when people in the same MMR as you are calling you noob, happens all the time, such are the joys of Dota.

But all newbs were not created equal!
Got to play a little at the weekend, was about to post on here how good the games were. Two in a row of all English speaking players who communicated, didn't cry and worked as a team.

But no, straight after into 3 terrible games with Russians QQ.
Got to play a little at the weekend, was about to post on here how good the games were. Two in a row of all English speaking players who communicated, didn't cry and worked as a team.

But no, straight after into 3 terrible games with Russians QQ.

Dota matchmaking has a funny way of dealing you a great hand, then a bum hand.

Lets get a game organised with some of us lot.


You know you want to ;)
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