*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Well, although I've spent well over 3000 hours on the game, I don't really honestly follow the pro scene. I kept telling this to Sahil, he kept on asking what my mmr was. I said 3k but thats only becuase i only play ranked random. I never pick.
Then he goes, ah, there's half of fnatic coming into the lift, "do you know who they are?"
I said yes, but i can't name them. He then told me their names.
So embarrassing :P
We are on a 3 game win streak now musty :p:D

Just went 24/2 in our last game as Lycan, just completely snowballed after some solid jungle time got a few early hanks on medusa and Lich then appeared with Necro and destroyed them all :)

After a bad start with axe screaming abuse at Luna we actually had a decent team and your storm spirit snares won me a few kills :D
a few? A FEW?

all I got was friggin' assists.

Yeah we are doing ok on the win ratio, which considering those 3 wins have been "All Random" modes its been good.

Wonder how long we can keep it up for.

Axe player was a total helmet though, yes the guy was not the best Luna I have seen, but he didn't exactly do terribly.

Ferrari 430 x3
Eternal Envy


Alliance - all
Titan - Net, Yamateh, KyXy
Evil Geniuses - Arteezy, Universe, Zai
Fnatic - all
Newbee - Mu, xiao8, Sansheng
Vici - Super, ROTK, fy
Na'vi - Xboct, Dendi, Kuroky
DK - Burning, iceiceice
IG - Chuan
Cloud 9 - Aui_2000
Empire - Mag
Thank you Valve for a timely reminder why I loathe ranked.

Carried team as Jugger from a terrible position to a win, instead of mowing inner towers when their team is wiped they **** about. Then when they all spawn go Rosh, they inevitably get ganked and a FV moron pops his ult just as we are winning freezes his own team and their ranged wipe us.

They then destroy 4 towers as we resoaen, next team fight about to win again and FV does exactly the same ******* stupid **** they wipe us again and finish game.

How is it the biggest retards are in ranked? Surely they should be outside of ranked? :confused: so irritated now :p
I'm about to give this a go again. Just working through the training missions first.

Do I really need to be speaking on comms or can I just listen. My pc is in the bedroom you see and I need to be quiet.

Also, can I lose the items I've been getting in the game or are they mine whatever happens?
If you mean cosmetic item then they are yours forever, can sell them on the market and use money to buy steam games if you are not interested in them too.
I'm about to give this a go again. Just working through the training missions first.

Do I really need to be speaking on comms or can I just listen. My pc is in the bedroom you see and I need to be quiet.

Also, can I lose the items I've been getting in the game or are they mine whatever happens?



The above guide is pretty useful for a beginner. I would also recommend learning some basic russian insults, unfortunately I can't link to any sites but a quick google search and you're golden. You don't get to keep any items, its a moba not an mmo :) You can collect cosmetics (new models) which you keep

Look out for Cyka - Russian for well played. This is most often used sarcastically after you feed first blood

Have fun (lol)
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^Yep, read that. Very important.

Items are yours forever unless you trade them away/sell them etc.

I don't bother with comms in pubs (in fact people using them annoy me because I'm generally listening to music)
Anyone watching The Summit? This new Fnatic standin Excalibur is special. First Tinker and now Meepo, really good player
Anyone watching The Summit? This new Fnatic standin Excalibur is special. First Tinker and now Meepo, really good player

Yeah some great plays. But what about DK's reaction after that stomp?

I've never seen a team look so destroyed after a game. Na'vi destroyed him though.

Some amusing casting. Puppey, Notail and Hanni casting at the moment.
Yeah rofl Puppy, N0tail and Hanni 'Hamburger'. Best casting I've heard for a long time :p

Considering it's his first LAN though not bad. What happened to Era?
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