*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

You were in a lift with fnatic players and in a gaming flat and you took no pictures?!

sahil kept on asking like "you don't work for gosugamers do you? no pics sorry"

but in a nice way
But like i said, i didn't recognise them, they could have been like some people waking up early going to the gym or something.
I have these 2 spare:

Newbee - Hao
VG - Rotk

Currently have:

EG - Arteezy
DK - Burning
IG - Faith
Fnatic - Fly
Navi - Funn1k, Kuroky
NewBee - Hao, Xiao8
Titan - Kyxy
Empire - Mag, Resolut1on, Silent
VG - Rotk

So if not on that list I can trade :)
Only got brood and ember left on the 10 hero challenge. Tried brood last night and it was pretty much a disaster, I don't say this about many heroes but in my opinion the hero is just trash vs most lineups :/ can you play vs bots to complete the challenge? I feel bad inflicting my team mates with a brood pick.
Is Invoker good? (Almost) every game I play is with an invoker who demands mid.

Night trial him a little in bot matches.
All heroes are good ;) Multiple builds / item paths available, can snowball out of control with levels and all the good little parts that make a decent mid. Plus you can ion cannon people and that is hilarious when paired up with stunners etc...
Only got brood and ember left on the 10 hero challenge. Tried brood last night and it was pretty much a disaster, I don't say this about many heroes but in my opinion the hero is just trash vs most lineups :/ can you play vs bots to complete the challenge? I feel bad inflicting my team mates with a brood pick.

Nope, has to be against humans. Do you have a reroll left? I'm quite enjoying the daily challenges although I did struggle today because all 9 players were telling me Tiny wasn't a carry because he had a stun....sometimes the dota community scares me.
Had 2 games as Invoker and won both, I didn't play especially well as I was getting used to him but can certainly see the potential.
Nope, has to be against humans. Do you have a reroll left? I'm quite enjoying the daily challenges although I did struggle today because all 9 players were telling me Tiny wasn't a carry because he had a stun....sometimes the dota community scares me.

This is the funny part, I had 5 heroes left, Dark Seer, Ember, Brood, Juggernaut and AA, I don't mind a few of them but wanted rid of Ember and Brood.

So when I re-rolled it gave me ember and brood again!
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Had a game today that resulted in a lot of abuse. Compendium pick was beastmaster, Never really played him before.

So it took me a while to get my last hitting underway. Throughout the initial phase I got nothing but abuse from the support with me because I wasnt making every last hit.

I was up against zeus and tidehunter and I'm not making excuses but they are a hell of a hard combo to deal with as Beastmaster.

I basically told the abusive guy to shut up and then the game kinda continued down a rough path. An absolute total ******* he was.
Had a game today that resulted in a lot of abuse. Compendium pick was beastmaster, Never really played him before.

So it took me a while to get my last hitting underway. Throughout the initial phase I got nothing but abuse from the support with me because I wasnt making every last hit.

I was up against zeus and tidehunter and I'm not making excuses but they are a hell of a hard combo to deal with as Beastmaster.

I basically told the abusive guy to shut up and then the game kinda continued down a rough path. An absolute total ******* he was.

Do yourself a favour: if you get the hint that someone on your team is gonna be a spanner, hit enter, tick the 'mute all chat' box, and then just go about your business.
Do yourself a favour: if you get the hint that someone on your team is gonna be a spanner, hit enter, tick the 'mute all chat' box, and then just go about your business.

Yeah I did mute him in the end. The guy was a complete tool, he was more interested in my last hitting than anything else, he barely harassed or denied.

By being an ass to people all you do is frustrate them and they play worse. Its best to just go about your business as you say.
And then as a contrast to that game, I just finished playing a game where I went 20+/2 and my deaths were just from silly fountain kills at GG point.

So I do have the skills, we just all have bad games occasionally!
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