*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Won a third game as invoker with Musty. We started pretty horrifically but we had almostgfx with us (ocuker?) he got going as Slardar and that allowed me to get some room and a nice run going. After starting 0/2 ended about 9/2 or so.

Good game all told and their Pudge rage quit in a hissy fit when we got going :p
Only got brood and ember left on the 10 hero challenge. Tried brood last night and it was pretty much a disaster, I don't say this about many heroes but in my opinion the hero is just trash vs most lineups :/ can you play vs bots to complete the challenge? I feel bad inflicting my team mates with a brood pick.

I had Brood in my compendium picks.

Had never played her before, now she is one of my favourite heroes.
I only have morphling left to complete my 10 heroes.

Not sure if to re-roll or not.

Maybe give him a try against bots?

He is very powerful late game with farm and very hard to kill once he has linkens + a replicant.

Get e blade and one shot people, always fun :)

I suppose if you really don't like him, reroll and hope for the best.
Completed mine without rerolling within a couple days of the Compendium being out. That's what happens when you're a Dota God and are thoroughly addicted :cool:

To be fair I got all easy heros ;)

Tinker, Tiny, Shadow Demon, Furion, Bloodseeker, Nyx and some others. The only one which gave me trouble was Tiny. Took 4 games i think
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Finally managed to complete my 10 heroes!

Re-rolled morphling and got Visage. Never played him before but managed to win our bottom lane quite well and then after a few good team fights the game was ours :)
My friend who I'm showing dota does not like morphling. Hated him after we lost a game with him. So I tried him. I can see why he doesn't like him. I know he's a late game hero. I also think he's one who relies on manta for the illusions? I'm sure in pro games I see people making copies of themselves but when I tried to use my ulti on myself it was not having it.
My friend who I'm showing dota does not like morphling. Hated him after we lost a game with him. So I tried him. I can see why he doesn't like him. I know he's a late game hero. I also think he's one who relies on manta for the illusions? I'm sure in pro games I see people making copies of themselves but when I tried to use my ulti on myself it was not having it.

Tried morphling myself and absolutely hated him.

Im a bit of a simple person. I get confused as soon as additional things to control appear.
Good game last night. Ocuk group with me, Shami, Anuraj and Hedge. We dominated completely and ended up with a relatively easy win. Another bonus was getting another compendium win, this time as Witch Doctor :)
Oh wow just realised i'm back to 50% winrate on Dota Buff.

When I first started I was above 50% for my first 200 games but that was playing with experienced players showing me the ropes. I then went solo queue and tried playing hard support in the lowest trench tier. Got severely punished not quite realising back then that the carry I am supporting doesn't know how to last hit/farm etc.

Although I was also partly to blame by picking weak heroes vs certain lineups and being frustrated that my team mates were too scared to initiate team fights.

I ended up taking something like a 27 match swing into the negative win rate territory over the course of a few weeks and have only recovered from it now after I stopped playing low impact support heroes when solo queuing.
I was sitting +21 w/l for ages until I started branching out and playing new heroes. That and ranked took me to -12 at one point. Back up to +2 but as I've said before I avoid ranked now as it just stresses me out :p
I was sitting +21 w/l for ages until I started branching out and playing new heroes. That and ranked took me to -12 at one point. Back up to +2 but as I've said before I avoid ranked now as it just stresses me out :p

Pretty happy to be back at 50%

In my last 35 matches I have played 24 different heroes. I know I could get better if I chose a smaller range but I play for fun and try and select what the team needs to win :)
I hate vengeful but had to play the hero for challenge. First time ever having a great game, went 9/3/17. We as a team played well but got shafted by a 0/12 Tiny who was just horrific. It wasn't that he was trying but not quite getting it, I could honestly believe it was first dota game ever using his skills on creeps, running away and just generally horrific play. Would have been bad enough in a normal game but when I'm playing a hero I'm rubbish at well it's even more annoying :p
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