*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

I has brood as my daily. Took me a game or two to get her down but managed a win with her in the end. Only got something pitiful like 5 kills and a few deaths bit a fair few assists.

We were saved by a great witch doctor on our team though was a good game.
There is a section in the compendium to roll a random hero once a day. If you complete it you get 25 points to add to your compendium.

This is in addition to your 10 hero challenge.
There is a section in the compendium to roll a random hero once a day. If you complete it you get 25 points to add to your compendium.

This is in addition to your 10 hero challenge.

Do you have to complete the 10 first? Would be nice if they kept that feature in post compendium, little rewards for trying new heroes adds to the variety.

Veng is my favourite hero! How can you not like her :(

To be fair my other experience of Vengeful was as a new player noob and never realy tried much since. I'm a better player now (though probably not by much :D) so I found her a lot more fun and powerful. Ult can be devastating when used correctly but ability 2 is pointless.
Veng is one of my favourite picks , but recently Ive played her and Ive been shut down quite hard and unable to reach potential. Her skills are all good and the ulti with an Ags has such insane range, its quite spectacular. Anyone comes slightly in sight of your team and they are instantly swapped in.
The ultimate guide to raising your MMR. There's swearing, so here's the youtube video code: _-J9mfcExhg
My *actual* Guide for Escaping MMR Hell
by SirActionSlacks1

Sage words ahead.
Another awesome skill is Weavers swarm. Played Weaver a couple of times lately and snowballed. The swarm puts squishy picks into the dilemma of kill the bug, or try and fight. Those that stay to fight soon die.

They do like 400dmg when left to timeout. Tonight I played vs a Bristleback who ignored the swarm and tried to chase me down, by the time it had ticked down he was squishy and died fast.

Frickin love Weaver :D
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The ultimate guide to raising your MMR. There's swearing, so here's the youtube video code: _-J9mfcExhg
My *actual* Guide for Escaping MMR Hell
by SirActionSlacks1

Sage words ahead.

I must be so bad because I tried this and if your carrys suck then there is no saving the game. Let me know how you get on with him though!
Had another Venge game and owned again, after the challenge is complete will be coming back to her. Love the hero and not sure how I got to hating her in the first place.
Had another Venge game and owned again, after the challenge is complete will be coming back to her. Love the hero and not sure how I got to hating her in the first place.

For me I tried to play her too early on in my dotalife (tm) when my positioning wasn't good enough. As support she's one of the heroes that requires really strong positioning throughout. Love playing her now.
Is there a 5 stack in this forum that play together, who fancy scrimming against another 5 stack this weekend? Me and a few friends want to play as a team together, but we want to have a steady opponent who we can play against.

Which I'm hoping would help us all improve as a team... or maybe a random 5 from OcUK? Just anything... Pub matches are starting to annoy us a bit, as it's stomp one way or the other... a little consistency might be the best thing!

Any takers? Our skill level isn't great, so we're looking for a more casual bunch of people to take up the offer. People who fancy playing a few games and learning from their mistakes, to hopefully improve themselves. We're not looking for future TI5 champions :D haha
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Is there a 5 stack in this forum that play together, who fancy scrimming against another 5 stack this weekend? Me and a few friends want to play as a team together, but we want to have a steady opponent who we can play against.

Which I'm hoping would help us all improve as a team... or maybe a random 5 from OcUK? Just anything... Pub matches are starting to annoy us a bit, as it's stomp one way or the other... a little consistency might be the best thing!

Any takers? Our skill level isn't great, so we're looking for a more casual bunch of people to take up the offer. People who fancy playing a few games and learning from their mistakes, to hopefully improve themselves. We're not looking for future TI5 champions :D haha

Aren't you 5k mmr Jahu? Or am I mistaking you for someone else?
ability 2 is pointless.

Just because it doesn't have a visible damage or stun effect does not make it pointless. People totally underestimate Tidehunter's anchor smash at level 1 because they can't "see" the damage reduction it applies. One of my favourite offlanes to play for that very reason.
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