In fact one of my friends had a good idea, they should introduce a new matchmaking where instead of queuing for a mode, you queue as a position (mid, support, off lane, carry etc) then it puts a team together from that. Sure you'd still get the occasional **** like a CM who goes shadow blade first but I'm sure it's a possible improvement.
In fact one of my friends had a good idea, they should introduce a new matchmaking where instead of queuing for a mode, you queue as a position (mid, support, off lane, carry etc) then it puts a team together from that. Sure you'd still get the occasional **** like a CM who goes shadow blade first but I'm sure it's a possible improvement.
Just to remind you guys. When you're playing ranked solo and think your team mates are idiots, remember you are one of the idiots. Because if you weren't you'd have a lot higher MMR and play with PRO's, who are definitely not idiots.
Problem is it takes a while to pull your mmr up out of the idiot pool and i really cba playing that many solo ranked games. I get 3 in a row with peopel about my skill level some higher some lower and we win and then another 3 with 1 or two complete morons who throw the game and my mmr goes down.
The problem been they constantly drop and leave my mmr level but i get stuck with idiots on the way down occasionally holding me in place.
I agree. There seems to be a barrier that you need to break though. It's like you have be able to carry a team of 4 idiots before you can get into the high mmr groups.
The mmr system is just too random at tyhe moment.
Just to remind you guys. When you're playing ranked solo and think your team mates are idiots, remember you are one of the idiots. Because if you weren't you'd have a lot higher MMR and play with PRO's, who are definitely not idiots.
Proper baffles me as to why people get so worked up over winning/losing and their MMR.
Is there some expectation that if you can somehow push yourself up to 6k then suddenly n0tail is gonna add you on steam and ask you to play for fnatic?
For me its i want to be at a point where the majority of games i play are people around my level and not be at the 2k mmr point where i get stuck with some good people but a lot of idiots. I'm never going to get an amazing mmr but i want it to be above the retards.