*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

What would be ideal for a training purpose, where we can get game time without being like fish out of the water? Any help greatly appreciated. :)

I found the best way to learn was to be told what to do. I've been fortunate in that the people I played with back in DotA and in HoN/LoL have pretty much held my hand as I played and told me what to do.

If you want to get a few bot games, I could help you out if you'd like? I'm by no means a good player, I'm really bad in fact, but I would be happy to tell you what I've picked up so far if it makes getting in to Dota any easier?
I'm happy to play with some new guys. Please don't be offended when I eventually lose my temper and shout down the mic, I've a tendency to **** up pretty badly and then blame everyone else for me feeding. I don't think I've ever played a game which induces so much rage...

Just got ranked and come in at 2.6k MMR solo and 2.5k MMR group - pretty happy with both although annoyed my grouped MMR isn't better. I put that down to playing ranked as if it's a pub game though and not being that fussed about it and laning incorrectly.
To be honest dude, as long as you aren't being malicious people tend to shake it off when you get a bit mad in Dota... I've played with people who get excessively mad, it seems to be the norm in all honesty as far as I'm concerned, that getting a bit angry in Dota is standard haha... the game brings out the worst in us sometimes!

I'd be happy play with whoever, I'd dare say the majority of us who speak a lot are ranked from about 2000-2500 MMR. So it's not like we'd be really out of our depth.
I dont think dota 2 ragers are bad people they are just harmless geeks. Dota brings the worst out of people just dont take any insults to heart personally I dont report anyone that flames the only players I report are intentional feeders.
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I dont think dota 2 ragers are bad people they are just harmless geeks. Dota brings the worst out of people just dont take any insults to heart personally I dont report anyone that flames the only players I report are intentional feeders.

Sounds about right. I wouldn't report somebody for being a bit ragey... only for being outright malicious. Or feeding. Depends really, because there's "dying a lot" and then there's feeding. Some people die a lot and don't mean to ... others feed on purpose and I want to strangle them :D
I found the best way to learn was to be told what to do. I've been fortunate in that the people I played with back in DotA and in HoN/LoL have pretty much held my hand as I played and told me what to do.

If you want to get a few bot games, I could help you out if you'd like? I'm by no means a good player, I'm really bad in fact, but I would be happy to tell you what I've picked up so far if it makes getting in to Dota any easier?

Cheers for the offer mate! I am away next week, if you give me your steam id, perhaps I can add you and go from there? Mine is redeye247 btw...:)
Alas, no mate, not me. Is that the E-Sports league?

No idea what it stands for, exactly! That sounds about right though..! Just a guy called Redeye presented ESL One and I was like "I wonder..?!"

Either way, as I said before... I'll add you tonight and then you can give me a message when you fancy a game against bots! :) Whether tonight, tomorrow or whenever... I'll let you know my availability on steam as well :D
No idea what it stands for, exactly! That sounds about right though..! Just a guy called Redeye presented ESL One and I was like "I wonder..?!"

Either way, as I said before... I'll add you tonight and then you can give me a message when you fancy a game against bots! :) Whether tonight, tomorrow or whenever... I'll let you know my availability on steam as well :D

Ok mate..look fwd to it.
Well, I've just started playing Dota 2.
Well, I've been playing against bots to try to get the hang of it.
Not doing wonders for my confidence when the bots set to "Easy" are kicking my ***.

I'm gettign the basic idea of the game now, but still need to learn a lot of terms like 'carry', 'jungler', etc.
I know at some point I'll have to play against actual people, but I seem to suck so bad...

I might read that guide, but I don't know if I'll have the patience :(

I think I'll probably do best finding some decent people to play with and have them explain to me what I should be doing.

Also, a friend plays LoL and says it's better than Dota 2. Now I realise given the topic of this thread that many of you won't agree with that, but have any of you played LoL and how does it compare?
Also, a friend plays LoL and says it's better than Dota 2. Now I realise given the topic of this thread that many of you won't agree with that, but have any of you played LoL and how does it compare?

LoL is fast paced compared to Dota, most of the skills of a champ work in combination with the other skills of that champ, the "farming stage" is shorter. LoL promotes team play better than Dota because most champs are quite fragile which means it's usually a bad idea to wander alone after the first 20mins.

Dota is a bit more "hardcore" due to the 'denying' mechanic (last hitting your own creeps so your opponent can't gain their gold), more micromanagement ( ie. there's an item that summons two minions for you to control) and increased difficulty when making team combos (the durations of disabling effects can go up to 4-5 seconds and to make the most out of several disables in a row, they should be cast as the previous effects wear off).

Overall, both games are quite enjoyable but be ready to dedicate at least 100 hours in them before you get a clear idea about what's going on.
You're so grumpy i wonder how on earth you manage to play this game.

It's a difficult game , it has a huge learning curve. If you can't be bothered to sit down for 20 mins and read a basics guide then you are just going to **** off the other 4 people on your team. Frankly if you're not going to make an effort then there are other games for you.
It's a difficult game , it has a huge learning curve. If you can't be bothered to sit down for 20 mins and read a basics guide then you are just going to **** off the other 4 people on your team. Frankly if you're not going to make an effort then there are other games for you.

I kind of have to agree.

Its a game that you need to invest some time into learning the basics.

Hell I still have LOADS to learn and still suck real hard. But I understand that the game requires a bit of commitment and time to understand/get good at.
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