*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Bios lost us the game!!

Report Bios noob!!!!!!

Lack of initiation lost us the game :p (aka not giving me the damn aegis prior to the divines coming out...i could have initiated with that, but everyone else had a different opinion, then we let it time out) NOT THAT IM BITTER ;)
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Yeah well while you guys were having your really fun in house, I was with the Purdy crew owning all the 3k scrubs. I was doing so well that Purdy, Murray, Anuraj & Tune were all like "OMG It's Wagamama/Singx2/RTZ/Dendi pretending to be some 2k scrub".

They proceeded to suck up to me and ask for teaching but I told them to focus on the game. I proceeded to carry our team to victory. I owned so hard that 3 of them disconnected while an amazing NP tried to get into our backdoors but I told the team "Look, we are all going to buy Dagons and wreck this noob who can't accept defeat and needs to go back to being a virgin cyka in his parents basement". They listened to me and we wrecked face. I bought a bunch of rapiers and had to give them to team mates just to try and keep them afloat as all of their farm was so bad.

I told them they need to practise more. Purdy is a bit premature and likes to let off his ulti before he even gets in position. Getting Anuraj to upgrade the courier like the supporting cyka he is is a pain. "No gold, let me last hit". Supports need to find their own gold. Murray needs to keep calm and not rage quit and abandon every game. If we are calling you a feeding noob you need to play safe and not throw your keyboard down all the time. We can hear the keys popping off on TS everytime you do. Tune needs to stop writing essays in chat and play the game. Always blaming people for his deaths. Having to have support send you back to fountain to stop you from getting ganked constantly.

GG WP. It's games like this where I'm glad we don't have a surrender option as Murray would have been on that after 5 minutes.
Looking forward to the review of the game, via newts blog. Looking forward to seeing him call out Musty for being a particularly bad player.
But then there is no one to pick on!! :p

What headset am I buying? No idea, just going to go to pc world and get a half decent one. I still have a feeling there's nothing wrong with my set and it's me being a nab, get one of you to talk me through it tonight then if it's still ****** buy a new one tomorrow morning.
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