*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Well from what I spectated you only seem to have your camera following your hero and you don't move it very much at all, you just click slightly infront of you to move and inch your camera up each time.

You should be looking around the map more and checking what the enemy heroes are doing, if a lane needs help or if they are getting dived etc, no need to have your camera over your hero all game.

we were all on TS and VERY vocal about what was going on etc. We knew how every lane was going constantly.

I also had no TP scroll so would have been unable to get anywhere fast anyway.

Although I appreciate the comments (genuinely do). although next time I will make a conscious effort to spend time visually checking the lanes allowing my squishy support Drow to get stomped :rolleyes:;):D
Anyone getting on tonight for another in house?

Already ditched the missus in preparation so would be good if we can pull it together again.
Why didn't you have a TP scroll? I hope you're not talking about the whole match...

What gold I could use I spend on wards (and I think if I remember rightly a courier upgrade) early on, then after we were getting stomped I never left the base because I couldn't afford to feed.

I think (however minor) a tactic that helped the win overall, all be it in a small way.

Hence little to no TP required.
feeling horribly tired at the moment, I dunno if I'll be around tonight... I'll try my best though!

Worst case scenario, you can just get somebody who has an MMR of about 250 and that'll be a good enough representation of me anyway.
You always need a TP, as every character and role. Unless you have BOT's of course :p

Even when a game dictates that you are pretty much base-bound since all your towers had fallen by the 22 min mark?

Or am I missing something? where was I to TP to? the fountain to the front racks?
Ok what part of I get that (in almost every game scenario that that is true) do you not understand?

If you can make me understand how carrying a TP in that late game would have helped me considering I had no where to TP to, and my job was to defend the ancient in the base at all costs, I will be surprised.
Even when a game dictates that you are pretty much base-bound since all your towers had fallen by the 22 min mark?

There's no excuse for not having a TP in the early-mid game. I assume for some of these towers that were being lost you were in a different lane and unable to help defend?
Even when a game dictates that you are pretty much base-bound since all your towers had fallen by the 22 min mark?

Or am I missing something? where was I to TP to? the fountain to the front racks?

You had the 22 mins before that. You need to be able to quickly respond to what is happening around the map. You mentioned those two slippers of agility you had, would it not have been more useful to have a tp? Or some wards? Especially against a KOTL having vision is very important, stops you and your carry taking Illuminate hits in lane.

In lane you could have been stacking and pulling to get you extra gold (not to mention help Ember get more XP in lane) I blocked your pull camp with a ward but it wasn't a hard one to deward.

Just giving some advice :)

Late game in your situation you still pushed out at some point, some people needed to have tp's in order to get back quickly if needed.
feeling horribly tired at the moment, I dunno if I'll be around tonight... I'll try my best though!

Worst case scenario, you can just get somebody who has an MMR of about 250 and that'll be a good enough representation of me anyway.

Stop being a wimp and get online, you are always on the PC anyway you Cartman wannabe ;)
There's no excuse for not having a TP in the early-mid game. I assume for some of these towers that were being lost you were in a different lane and unable to help defend?

given I was playing Drow as support (not choice mind, forced to) I would have TP'd in tried to help and been wiped with ease. Maybe a better player could have done more, but remember I am ****.

That and I had pretty much zero gold through the laning phase meant I couldn't afford many items as it was. And at the time wards in our lane was more valuable to let ember farm and see where our lanes heroes were.

Anyway hindsight is a wonderful thing.

I played poor I don't deny that. I did what I could with the knowledge I had.

now whats your excuse for not getting a sheepstick to shut down ember? EH ?
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given I was playing Drow as support (not choice mind, forced to) I would have TP'd in tried to help and been wiped with ease. Maybe a better player could have done more, but remember I am ****.

Watch the video I posted about zone control, if you TP in and get instantly wiped then you're too close. As a Drow support all you can really do is throw a silence in and GTFO until your next silence, maybe throw some frost arrows if it's safe.

Also as has been mentioned, slippers of agil are fairly pointless if you're playing support. Think about what you need for your role, damage is not part of it. Branches would have been a better investment for some survivability with some gold saved for support items.

EDIT: Note this is all very critical, the main issue is that you were playing Drow as a support... you guys should go for captains mode/captains draft, would help avoid situations like this. I can't remember what your lineup was and the image won't load on my current network, but I remember thinking it looked awful!
given I was playing Drow as support (not choice mind, forced to) I would have TP'd in tried to help and been wiped with ease. Maybe a better player could have done more, but remember I am ****.

That and I had pretty much zero gold through the laning phase meant I couldn't afford many items as it was. And at the time wards in our lane was more valuable to let ember farm and see where our lanes heroes were.

Anyway hindsight is a wonderful thing.

I played poor I don't deny that. I did what I could with the knowledge I had.

now whats your excuse for not getting a sheepstick to shut down ember? EH ?

You can always do something, sure Drow isn't the ideal support hero but even a well timed gust can help turn an attack in your favour.

It sure can when you can follow it up with attacks (complimented by agility items) but when you cant its just a simple silence. (which at the time, was quite low level due to poor XP gain on my part)
Watch the video I posted about zone control, if you TP in and get instantly wiped then you're too close. As a Drow support all you can really do is throw a silence in and GTFO until your next silence, maybe throw some frost arrows if it's safe.

Also as has been mentioned, slippers of agil are fairly pointless if you're playing support. Think about what you need for your role, damage is not part of it. Branches would have been a better investment for some survivability with some gold saved for support items.

Helpful advice. And I agree 100%.

I had however (wrongfully so) brought my items before I realised I would have to support...
Well that's why you have your other core heroes to follow up.

You could have laned it better as a team. If those were the 5 you had to go with then Ember offlane, Death prophet mid, Doom jungle, Drow farming safe lane with Wraith King support was your best option.
He bought wards and stopped you blasting into the lane from the 3rd or 4th minute. Your blasts didn't hit anything other than creeps and pushed the lane from that point, when the wards were up. He did well, really, given the circumstances.
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