*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Posting some videos with last hitting advice or explaining it in more detail would actually be useful.

You can see from the dotabuff game he is very inexperienced (not critising btw) we have all been there. He stills has a GG branch, tango and salve by the end of the game, has one big item completed plus a wraith band.

There is a bunch of stuff you need to learn about lane control/last hitting/item progression etc but it's most likely too much info to take in all at once. Also look at his team, that's pretty much 5 carrys right there, wouldn't surprise me if they had no courier for the first 10 minutes of the game.

No offense taken, Im a noob and I know it :D. I do want to get better for sure and take all of the above on board. I will practice last hitting with a few select heros and hopefully will get better at it.

I normally follow one of the in-game builds with regard to buying items but sometimes I seem to get it into my head that I need to get that shiney item and seem to ignore the mid game items :eek: SO item progression is on the list as well.

That's why I told him to do what I said. If you can get 50cs in 10 minutes against no competition with a hero with a crap animation then that is a good foundation. There isn't really a guide to last hitting.

I mean the basics like, not auto attacking as this pushes the lane, for every hit on an enemy creep you want to hit an allie creep or again you will push the lane.

Agreed though, practise offline on last hitting and try and get 50-60 within 10 mins will improve your farm dramatically.
On average this is what my stats look like as I have been playing meepo so much xD.

I think it so unfair when you get your most picked heros in All random games :O.
Depending on how much you care about getting better. What I used to do for csing was just go into an empty lobby and pick lina. Don't use any nukes to get cs just your right click. Her animation is terrible, aim for 50cs by 10 minutes with her. Don't buy any items and don't put any points into stats.

I used to do this but with SF to practice. Helps a bit but you aren't always going to get 50cs by 10 minutes depending on the game.
Null tiny, radiance bounty... not the best players. Also

Whats with those 2 abandons on the other picture?:)

Indeed they were terrible.

It was a while ago but I think in one of them someone left so I did and the other I had to leave (RL).

I rarely leave games and have a low abandon rate however.
I normally follow one of the in-game builds with regard to buying items but sometimes I seem to get it into my head that I need to get that shiney item and seem to ignore the mid game items :eek: SO item progression is on the list as well.


This was going to be my advice to you, getting those mid-game items is really useful particularly on a snowball type hero like Viper. I usually go phase -> drums -> mek then go around killing everyone while building yasha -> manta or whatever big item is appropriate.
I dunno it isn't so bad missing a few creeps even in a free farm lane. I see pro players do it a lot when streaming. Its not good but missing last hits isn't going to really make a difference to your mmr.
Exactly, and if one of your teammates did abandon it would be safe to leave,.

Aye if they actually quit but if they refused to play along with one or two others but didnt want to abandon I am not waiting around specially if I know that abandon wont put me in low prio.

Anyhow my last game lol( I know I dont have a lot of farm)
Honestly I have a lot of kills but if it wasnt for PL's split pushing we would have lost it.
That and they kept on doing really silly things and we would manage to keep bounty or line down pretty much all the time before team fights which gave us the ability to have pl split push in the first place.
He had a bad score but he played well in the end.

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I was once told that if you can get around 400 XPM and 400 GPM then you're not doing too bad. Not sure if this is true.
Even if it is I'm sure some people will be saying 500 per min minimum or 600 depending on how much they're trying to impress.

Assumign this is correct, I guess you could get away with low last hits. If for example you were getting lots of kills and earning gold that way. I'm not sure there are many ways to make money without last hitting though (does last hitting a tower count as a last hit?)

based on 70 LH in 12 minutes that would suggest you be expecting close to 250 LH by the end of a 40 minute game. Even those of us that aren't too good can get more last hits near the end when you take out creep waves while pushing. I watch a lot of games and don't see every player on a team getting that sort of LH very often. Perhaps a few characters get close to that but rarely all 5. I think in pub games, especially at a lower level PUGs don't really worry about team balance and so you may end up with 5 cores that are all trying to farm.

All that said, LHing is deffinately something I need to work on. Early on I always over-estimate the damage I do, so even if my timing isn't bad my hit doesn't do as much damage as I expected. That or my timing sucks and they die just before I would've hit. Then of course you have denies...
In the later game it's easier as there's more room for error due to more right-click damage and after the laning people aren't around to deny as much.

I think I especially struggle with melee characters as you also have to factor in the movement to get in range (apparently standing still is bad as you'll get harassed by any decent enemy player).

Mind you I also need to work on choosing which items to buy as I get fixated by the big shiney weapons (especially the Aghanim's Scepter on relevent heroes).

I can also get over confident and walk into ambushes.
I think in some cases this is due to a lack of experience and not knowing the enemy characters and what they can do.

So many things to improve! But I guess that's true of most without a 6500 MMR (or whatever the max is).

Still, 17 games played now (7 if you don't count the Training "vs. human" scenario) and level 4! Can't really expect to have it all mastered at this point!
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