Hi guys, me and my friends have been playing Dota 2 for a bit over a year now - all hovering just under 3k mmr. Been like this for a while now and looking to improve so just wanted to see if there was anyone who had a bit more experience than us who wouldn't mind playing the odd game. We've all got the basics down but I reckon it would be a big help to play with someone 4k+ mmr who can maybe point out things we're not doing/executing properly.
We've all got skype and are on most evenings - my steam name is Fragginz so drop me a message if you fancy a game or two. Also just add me for games if you're around the same level as us, would be good to play with fellow OcUKers
We've all got skype and are on most evenings - my steam name is Fragginz so drop me a message if you fancy a game or two. Also just add me for games if you're around the same level as us, would be good to play with fellow OcUKers