*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

He's way too complicated for me to play well.
Seems like a good character though due to his versatility, if you know the QWE combination ell enough to be able to select and use them quickly. I have to plan ahead and use the '?' to check all the time, which doesn't usually work out.


Play this. Just play it in queue before each game or something, it helped me a lot when I was learning him.
Started playing about a week ago...completed tutorial..played about 5 games with a friend vs bots...and 2 live games vs other people.

Only tried Sven and Bloodseeker so far. It's a steep learning curve.... very confusing knowing which items to get etc as I have no idea what the other heroes im playing against strengths and weaknesses are.

I've read https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/ for a general overview and also http://www.dotafire.com/dota-2/guide/ for hero specific builds...

Even after I purchase an item Im still not realllllly sure if it's the right one to get etc..and how to make best use of it...

Anything im missing or just keep playing and it will all come together?
It is a learning wall, working out what item to buy when and why is incredibly difficult. Learn by practicing, finding out what items work out well on what heroes (some items are almost always bought on some heroes for example, why?) Can also watch matches and streamers to learn more.
Interesting analogy.

The more you play the better your knowledge will be. Saying that I know some guys who played a lot of original DOTA, then HON, and now DOTA2 and they still absolutely suck. They're quite knowledgeable though :p
Yip, I think it helps when you learn to be more situational with your items as well, but that's a way down the line if you have only played a couple of games :p

Just practice, practice and dont get too frustrated!
Dota 2 for ranked solo is completely broken, because people happen to pick good combo, while other team happens to have no clue, even if you play good on average team lets you down(can be the other way round). Games get incredibly boring and you're always mad at your team mates.
Another thing is 10v10 I'm only playing now. It's endless fun and teams usually average out.
I recently discovered an interesting sniper build you can try it out. It shreds a creep wave of any size in 1 second (can be 20 creeps) and does similar devastation to enemy team, but not so good for 1v1 vs a hero with satanic and evasion. Just make 4 mjollnirs, possibly 5, can swap one of them for heart if survivability is important. I've played like this 10v10 it's very satisfying in a team fight.
About that sniper build with many mjollnirs. I was playing 10v10, had 4 mjollnirs, travels and sy, after we lost all rax, i decided to buy 2 rapiers in addition to 4 mjollnirs. That was a blast. Our team got nearly wiped, I was too slow to follow them, so the enemy was rushing to end game with megacreeps on their side. I hid near the ancient someone went ahead to fight, effectively tanking. I wasnt noticed for a mooment as they had storm, magnus etc i started shooting and killed them all! i killed magnus after he blinked and wanted to ult, but i killed him in 0.2 seconds. Killed storm like in 3 shots, necro had blademail but forgot to use it, i killed him too. before he could land 1 hit and like 4 more heroes. Imagine machinegun with nearly 500 attack speed and 2 rapiers.

ps then we won easy game vs megacreeps.
Got Pudge next on my all hero. Can't stand him, I play either unbelievably well or God awfully ****, there is no in between for me with him.

Had a bad last game, went about 4/10/8 but we got hammered, I was with a 4 stack who picked 3 hard carries and a tank so we had no wards or courier or anything. The 1/13 Earth Spirit, the 3/13 Riki, the 1/10 AM weren't at fault. Nope all Pudges fault :p

I just had them on ignore by the end and kept trying my best but we got completely destroyed.
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